With the help of this smart money app, I was able to save £12,000 within a short period of time.

An app is helping users achieve savings goals quicker.

September 20th 2024.

With the help of this smart money app, I was able to save £12,000 within a short period of time.
Jordan sat down with a cup of coffee and opened up his phone to check his savings. To his surprise, he found that the small change he had been putting away over the years had accumulated into a substantial nest egg. It almost felt too good to be true. But the truth was, his savings had been transformed by a smart money app called Plum.

As he scrolled through his account, Jordan couldn't help but feel grateful for the app that had made saving and investing so effortless. Whether it was for his future, education, holidays, home renovations, or just a rainy day, Plum had taken the hard work out of investing for him and millions of other Brits. Using the power of AI and automation, Plum had helped its customers reach their financial goals faster with its easy-to-use rules and investment options.

The app was linked to Jordan's bank account and would set aside just enough money according to his chosen rules. He had full control over these rules, which included options like 'round ups', 'rainy days' saving, and 'splitter', which would split his money into various accounts and investments. The app would then manage his money in a way that worked for him, whether it was investing in one of Plum's many funds or setting it aside in an Easy Access Interest Pocket. Of course, Jordan was aware that with all investing, there was a risk involved.

But the best part about Plum was its automation. The smart algorithm would analyze Jordan's spending habits and income over the last few months to determine how much he could safely save without affecting his daily life. And it was working wonders for him. In just a few years, Jordan had managed to save thousands of pounds through the app.

Jordan had always been a good saver, but he often found himself dipping into his savings account before payday if an unexpected bill came up or if he overestimated his savings. It was frustrating to feel like his savings goals were always just out of reach. But with Plum's Primary Pocket, which acted as an intermediate between Plum and his bank account, Jordan no longer had to worry about his savings. The app would automatically save money for him, and he could then distribute it into other pockets dedicated to specific savings goals.

He estimated that just from the auto-savings function, which put away spare income into his account, he was saving between £1,000 and £1,200 a year. He now put the majority of his savings into Plum and believed that since 2020, he had saved close to £12,000. Jordan couldn't stop praising the app, calling it the most user-friendly one he had ever used for his money. He especially loved the competitive interest rates and the different interest accounts that offered even higher rates than the default Primary Pocket and Regular Pockets.

Jordan's journey with Plum had started when he was drawn to the app's auto-saver function. He wanted to see how much the app could save for him without him having to think about it. And it had worked like a charm. Before he knew it, Plum had saved him a significant amount of money from the odds and ends in his bank account, and he hadn't even noticed. From that day on, he had become a loyal Plum user.

Although Jordan did have some previous investing experience with other apps, he admitted that he wasn't really sure what he was doing, especially as a first-time investor. But with Plum, he could easily understand where his money was invested. The app provided graphs and data from previous years, which helped him make informed decisions about his investments.

For those who are interested in trying out Plum, Jordan had some useful information to share. The basic version of the app is free and offers numerous features. But if you want to explore additional features or optimize your saving and investing process, you can upgrade to a subscription plan. With Plum, saving and investing has never been easier. It's a game-changer for anyone looking to secure their financial future.
Jordan explains how his savings have been transformed by Plum, an app designed to make investing easier and more accessible for Brits. With its powerful combination of artificial intelligence and automation, Plum helps its millions of users save for their futures, whether it be for education, holidays, home renovations, or a rainy day.

Imagine waking up to find that your spare change has turned into a significant nest egg - sounds too good to be true, right? But with Plum, this is a reality for many people. By linking to your bank account, the app sets aside small amounts of money according to rules that you have control over. This money is then managed in a way that works for you, whether it's through investing in one of Plum's funds or putting it into an Easy Access Interest Pocket. However, it's important to remember that all investing involves risk.

Plum offers a variety of autosaving rules, such as round-ups, rainy day savings, and splitters, which distribute your money into different accounts and investments. Alternatively, you can let the app's smart algorithm analyze your spending and save money for you without any effort. By looking at your bank transactions and income over the last few months, Plum determines how much you can safely set aside without affecting your daily life. This automation has helped many customers, including Jordan, see their savings grow significantly in just a few years.

Jordan, 34, from Stratford-upon-Avon, shares that he has always been a good saver, but he often found himself needing to dip into his savings account when unexpected bills came up or when he overestimated how much he could save. This left him feeling like his savings goals would never be reached. However, with Plum's Primary Pocket automatically setting aside money that he can afford to save, Jordan now knows that he can rely on his savings at the end of each month. Plus, he can easily distribute this money into other savings pockets within the app.

Speaking of the Primary Pocket, Jordan explains that it serves as the intermediary between Plum and your bank account, handling all deposits and withdrawals within the app. If you withdraw money from other pockets or investments, it will always go to the Primary Pocket first before being transferred to your bank account upon your request.

Thanks to Plum's auto-savings function, which puts away spare change from his income, Jordan estimates that he saves between £1,000 and £1,200 a year. He now puts the majority of his savings into Plum and has saved close to £12,000 since 2020. He praises the app for its user-friendly interface, especially when it comes to investing. He loves the competitive interest rates and various options for interest accounts, which offer higher rates compared to the default Primary Pocket and Regular Pockets.

Jordan's journey with Plum began when he was drawn to the app's auto-saver function, which saves money without him even having to think about it. He was pleasantly surprised to see a significant amount of money saved in his Plum account without him even noticing. He then started exploring the app's other features, including its investment options. As someone with some previous investing experience on other apps, Jordan appreciates how Plum provides clear information and data about his investments, making it easier for him to understand where his money is going.

For those interested in trying out Plum, it's important to note that the basic version of the app is free, and there is no charge for numerous features. However, if you want to access additional features or optimize your saving and investing process, you can upgrade to a subscription plan. With its user-friendly interface, powerful automation and AI, and various investment options, Plum is a game-changer for anyone looking to save for their future.

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