"Will Resident Evil 9's soft reboot include an open world setting?"

Resident Evil series has hit a new milestone, but what's next for the popular horror franchise?

July 2nd 2024.

What's next for the iconic horror series, Resident Evil? After the success of Resident Evil Village, fans are left wondering what the next installment will bring. While the series has always been synonymous with survival horror, the 2017 release of Resident Evil 7 took things to a whole new level of terror. Previous games had their scary moments, but they often veered more towards action than true horror.

Resident Evil 7 changed that by not only incorporating jump scares and intense moments, but also by switching to a first-person perspective for the first time in the series. This, along with the game's inspiration from films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Blair Witch Project, gave the franchise a much-needed creative reboot.

On the other hand, Resident Evil Village felt like a celebration of everything the series has explored in the past. From its labyrinthine castle to its intense action sequences, it was a fun and entertaining experience, but lacked the consistent terror of its predecessor.

As we anxiously await the next installment, the big question is where will the series go from here? Even the director of Resident Evil 7, Koshi Nakanishi, admitted that it was a challenge to figure out the direction of the franchise after the success of the game. However, he also revealed that they have landed on an idea for Resident Evil 9 that they believe will be substantial.

While we don't have any official information about Resident Evil 9, there have been rumors that it will feature an open-world gameplay style, building on technology used in other Capcom games such as Dragon's Dogma 2 and the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds. This was hinted at in Resident Evil Village with its central hub area, though it was small and not very interactive.

Some other horror games have explored open-world gameplay before, but with mixed results. The Evil Within 2 featured permanent enemies in an open town area, while Dying Light used a day/night cycle to instill fear in its living world. These are elements that could potentially be polished and incorporated into a new Resident Evil game.

Another interesting idea would be to take inspiration from games like The Forest, where players must scavenge for supplies in a hostile environment while preparing for the next mission. This could add a new level of survival to the series, while still maintaining the beloved concentrated sections that Resident Evil is known for.

There's also the possibility of incorporating the VHS tape and recording features seen in Resident Evil 7, connecting linear sections in an open environment. And while Resident Evil 6 was a bit of a mess with its multiple characters, there could be a way to make it work by following the paths of well-known characters like Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy.

Whatever direction Capcom decides to take with Resident Evil 9, it's clear that the franchise needs another reinvention in order to stay relevant and continue to reign as the king of survival horror. Perhaps an open-world approach is the way to go, or maybe the rumored ideas are not entirely accurate. But one thing is for sure, the series is due for another soft reboot, both in terms of story and gameplay.

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