What's my horoscope for today? Find out your astrological forecast for February 28, 2025 based on your zodiac sign.

A new stage is beginning, but be careful not to start off on the wrong foot.

February 28th 2025.

What's my horoscope for today? Find out your astrological forecast for February 28, 2025 based on your zodiac sign.
Good morning! Are you curious about what today has in store for you? The powerful New Moon in Pisces has arrived, and it's here to show you what's next. For Aries, this means paying close attention to your dreams as they hold important clues about your future. And for Gemini, this is the perfect time to plant the seeds of a brilliant idea, while for Leo, it's a chance to uncover something you may have been in the dark about.

But be cautious - the dreamy nature of Pisces can sometimes make us see only what we want to see. So it's important to stay grounded and not get carried away by illusions. Now, let's take a look at the horoscopes for all the star signs for Friday, February 28, 2025. If you love checking your horoscope every morning, you can sign up for our free daily newsletter and get a personalized reading for your star sign delivered straight to your inbox. And if you want a unique personal horoscope based on your birth details, you can visit patrickarundell.com.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)
The New Moon in mystical Pisces is urging you to pay attention to your dreams as they hold powerful lessons and guidance for your next steps. If you've been feeling like your goals are out of reach, this is the time to seek help from a coach or mentor who can help you bridge the gap between your aspirations and achievements. With a combination of their wisdom and your fiery determination, success is guaranteed.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
A potent lunation is stirring up changes in your social circle, bringing new and inspiring people into your life. Their energy could spark new ideas and reignite your passion for a goal you've been contemplating. Whether it's a creative project, a bold ambition, or a personal dream, now is the time to take the first step towards achieving it. The universe is on your side, so trust in yourself and go for it.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)
The New Moon in visionary Pisces is igniting your mind with a spark of brilliance. That idea you've been toying with? It's time to nurture it and let it grow. This cosmic energy is perfect for planting the seed of something extraordinary. As the New Moon gains momentum, your idea will gather strength and focus with every step you take. Start small, but think big.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)
You may be craving something new and exciting in your life. Whether it's a unique vacation, a new challenge, or the opportunity to expand your mind, now is the time to embrace it. The universe is nudging you to step out of your comfort zone and say yes to the unknown. A fresh perspective awaits, and it could be just the spark you need to feel inspired and re-energized.

Leo (July 24 - August 23)
Are you eager to uncover something? Today's New Moon in your sector of secrets is the perfect opportunity. However, with the confusing influence of Pisces, it's important to not let your emotions or desires cloud your judgment. Talking to a trusted friend can help you make progress. They'll have a clear perspective and can guide you in the right direction.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)
The New Moon in Pisces is bringing fresh energy into your relationships. This could apply to a romantic partner, a close friend, or a professional connection. New developments could bring exciting possibilities, so if you've been wanting to start anew or deepen your bond with someone, now is the time to make it happen. Let this new chapter strengthen your relationships.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)
A new phase is starting, but be careful not to get off on the wrong foot. Today's lunation in your lifestyle sector can inspire a fresh start, but only if you know what you want. The dreamy influence of Pisces may make you aim for something unattainable. Before making any decisions, take the time to think things through and consider the cost. With a clear plan, you can make it work.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
An alluring influence may have you under its spell, whether it's a romantic connection or another magnetic attraction. While it may be tempting to give in to this allure, it's important to stay grounded. Today's New Moon offers the perfect opportunity to deepen a relationship, and a friend's insight can help you see things clearly.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Exciting developments within your family could bring a reason to celebrate. Whether it's good news or a significant moment, the stars are shining on your home and domestic life. This is also a great time to channel your energy into a project that will improve your living space. If you've been wanting to give your home a makeover, now is the time to do it.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 21)
Although there are other influences at play, today's potent lunar phase in your communication zone could amplify your emotions and bring them to the surface. How you express yourself is crucial in getting a positive response. Stick to the facts and don't let others' words confuse you. If you're unsure, do some research before making any decisions.

Aquarius (January 22 - February 19)
Your mind is buzzing with fresh ideas on how to boost your income and make the most of your resources. Today's lunation is perfect for implementing money-saving strategies and setting clear financial goals. Whether it's finding new sources of income, managing your budget, or exploring creative ways to use your resources, your innovative thinking can make it a success.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)
The New Moon in your sign is the most powerful one of the year and brings the opportunity for a fresh start. But it's important to know what you want and have a plan of action. Simply daydreaming won't cut it. Write down your goals and have a clear plan in place. With determination and hard work, you'll soon see the results you desire.

And there you have it - your daily horoscope for all the star signs. Remember to check back every morning for your personalized reading. Have a great day!

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