What's coming up this week? Check out your tarot horoscope for October 14-20.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

October 13th 2024.

What's coming up this week? Check out your tarot horoscope for October 14-20.
Get ready for a new week! It's time to loosen up and have some fun as charming Venus enters playful Sagittarius. This week, find the humor in every situation, share a good laugh, and go out to socialize and explore new places and events. Add a little adventure to your everyday life and see where it takes you.

With a Full Moon in Aries, you'll also feel a surge of courage and determination in all your endeavors. Take a moment to look back at how far you've come in 2024 and celebrate your successes, acknowledge your struggles and triumphs, and reflect on your highs and lows. Remember, there's still plenty of time left in 2024 to do, see, visit, achieve, and experience all that you desire. Consider making a bucket list and let the tarot guide you towards what truly matters to you.

For Aries, this week's tarot card is The World, the final card of the major arcana. It may bring a sense of wanderlust and a desire to visit all the places you haven't been to yet this year. Don't worry, there's still time to plan some winter trips and satisfy that urge. On a deeper level, you may also feel the need to let go of certain projects, goals, or ideas before the end of 2025, in order to start the new year with a clean slate and a lighter load.

Taurus, it's time to focus on yourself and indulge in some "me time". The Queen of Swords suggests that you've been too busy taking care of others and it's time to prioritize yourself. Don't feel guilty about putting yourself first for once. It's not selfish, it's necessary and it's about time you do something for yourself.

Gemini, you know how to brighten up even the darkest of days. With the Knight of Cups as your tarot card for this week, it's time to make this season a fun and exciting one. Plan adventures, social gatherings, and romance. This is the perfect time to fall in love or deepen your current relationships. So set the mood and let the romance flow.

Cancer, embrace your love for hibernation and solitude this autumn and winter. The High Priestess suggests that this is the perfect time for inner reflection and spiritual awakening. Explore your psychic abilities, learn tarot, meditate, and connect with your inner self. This is your time for self-discovery and finding your intuition.

Leo, as the year winds down, it's time to review what's working and what's not. The Two of Wands encourages you to consider what you truly want to commit to and focus on. It's okay to let go of things that are not bringing you joy or fulfillment. You may need to pivot and redirect your attention to a few key goals that feel exciting and worthwhile.

Virgo, let loose and see what happens! The Three of Wands urges you to live without any limitations or restrictions. Be spontaneous and let the Universe guide you towards new opportunities and experiences. It's time to break away from your usual controlled and disciplined self and live a little wild and free.
Are you ready for a fresh new week? It's time to let go of your worries and have some fun because loving Venus has made its way into adventurous Sagittarius. This week, it's all about finding the humor in every situation, sharing laughs with your loved ones, and exploring new places and events. Why not add a little spontaneity and adventure to your daily routine?
But that's not all, as the week progresses, a Full Moon in Aries will bring a surge of courage and determination to your life. It's the perfect time to reflect on how far you've come in 2024 - celebrate your highs, mourn your lows, and acknowledge all the struggles and triumphs that have shaped you into the person you are today. Remember, there's still plenty of time left in 2024, so what do you still yearn to do, see, visit, achieve, and experience? Create a bucket list and let the tarot guide you towards what truly matters to you.
Now, let's take a closer look at what the stars have in store for each zodiac sign this week. Aries, it's time to start the new year with a clean slate, and the powerful tarot card, The World, is urging you to satisfy your wanderlust and visit all the places you've been dreaming of. Taurus, you've spent a lot of time taking care of others this year, but now it's your turn to focus on yourself. The Queen of Swords is encouraging you to pursue your solo projects and goals, and put yourself first for a change.
Gemini, this is your season to shine and the Knight of Cups is reminding you to make the most of it. Have fun, go on adventures, and let love and romance blossom in your life. Cancer, embrace the colder months and the quiet, introspective time they bring. The High Priestess is calling you to delve into the esoteric and discover your intuition and spiritual side.
Leo, as the year winds down, it's time to review what's working in your life and what needs to be let go of. The Two of Wands is urging you to focus your energy on a few key priorities that truly excite and fulfill you. Virgo, it's time to let loose and let the Universe guide you towards new adventures and opportunities. The Three of Wands is encouraging you to break free from your usual routines and embrace spontaneity.
So, there you have it - your weekly horoscope and tarot reading. Remember to have fun, follow your heart, and trust that the Universe has your back. And for more insights into your zodiac sign, head to our website where you'll find everything you need to know about being your unique and wonderful self.

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