What is meant by 'demure'? Learn about the newest TikTok craze.

Extremely modest, extremely attentive, extremely adorable.

August 17th 2024.

What is meant by 'demure'? Learn about the newest TikTok craze.
There is a new trend taking over TikTok that everyone seems to be talking about. If you are one of those people who spend countless hours scrolling through your For You Page, then you have probably come across the term "demure" quite a lot lately.

It all started with TikTok user Jools Lebron, who has gained a massive following of 1.5 million users. She has been teaching her followers how to be "demure" and "mindful" in various situations, whether it's at work, the airport, or even getting ready for a night out. And her catchphrase has caught on, with many celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Lily Collins using it in their social media posts.

But what exactly does being "demure" mean and why has it become such a big trend? According to the dictionary, being "demure" means being reserved, modest, and shy. It is an ethos that Jools has been promoting for a while now, but it was one particular viral video that catapulted her to fame. In the video, she talks about how she does her makeup for work, saying "very demure, very mindful," and advises her followers to be presentable and not overdo it.

Since then, the internet has become obsessed with the concept of being "demure," with many interpreting it as a way of life. People are using it in memes, and some are even using it as a way to describe themselves or their mood.

However, amidst all the fun and jokes, Jools' TikTok page has also become a source of inspiration and hope for many. As a transgender woman, she has been able to use her newfound fame to pay for her transition, a dream that she never thought would be possible.

In one of her emotional videos, she shared with her followers that she was working as a cashier and making TikTok videos during her breaks just a short while ago. And now, she is flying across the country to host events and can finally afford to finish her transition. It's a heartwarming reminder of the positive impact that social media can have on people's lives.

So, whether you're scrolling through your FYP or trying to be more mindful in your daily life, the "demure" trend is definitely one to watch out for. And as Jools would say, "be mindful, be considerate, be cutesie, and be demure."

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