West and Abdullah won't denounce Hamas in first TV interview.

Phillip questioned West and Abdullah about their position on Gaza conflict, checking if they would denounce Hamas.

April 12th 2024.

West and Abdullah won't denounce Hamas in first TV interview.
Dr. Cornel West, an independent candidate for the upcoming presidential election, and his newly selected running mate, Dr. Melina Abdullah, have been facing criticism for their views on the ongoing conflict in Gaza. In a recent interview with CNN's Abby D. Phillip, West and Abdullah discussed their stance on various issues, starting with their views on the situation in Gaza. Phillip brought up the topic of Hamas and their inability to guarantee the safety of 40 hostages, mostly women and the elderly, who are believed to still be in Gaza.

When asked if he believed Hamas should release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire, West responded by saying he doesn't think that will happen. He explained that Hamas needs to stop their bombings that are causing harm to innocent lives. West emphasized the value of every life, whether Israeli or Palestinian, but stressed the urgency of addressing the lives lost on the Palestinian side.

The interview then shifted to Abdullah, where Phillip referenced a statement from the Black Lives Matter Grassroots group that Abdullah had supported. This statement was released just two days after the initial Hamas attacks in October of 2023. The statement read, "When a people have been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence, their resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense." When asked if she condemned Hamas, Abdullah refused to answer and instead expressed her frustration with constantly being asked to condemn them. She also highlighted the troubling fact that an entire state has been built on the genocide of a people.

The interview sparked a mix of reactions on social media, with some praising Phillip for asking tough questions and others accusing her of anti-Semitism. One viewer tweeted, "Big-time anti-Semitism. 'Should Israel be a state?'" Another expressed their disapproval of the West-Abdullah ticket, believing it to be a futile effort.

West and Abdullah's views align with those of others who are dissatisfied with President Joe Biden's response to the war. Khalid Turaani, co-chair of the Abandon Biden campaign, labeled Biden's lack of action as a war crime and suggested that in a perfect world, he would be held accountable for it. West also criticized Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for not considering the suffering of those affected by the conflict. He believes this lack of empathy is a significant issue with their leadership.

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