Wear red on your next flight.

You'll have a better and more enjoyable flight.

July 6th 2024.

Wear red on your next flight.
As you prepare for your next trip, don't forget to pack something red in your suitcase. While comfort is definitely a top priority when it comes to choosing your airport outfit, have you ever considered the color you should be wearing? According to some experts, red might just give you an edge when it comes to navigating through the airport and catching the attention of airline staff.

According to a travel blog, Airplane Tips, wearing red is not only powerful and stimulating, but it can also lead to a more pleasant flight experience. This suggestion is based on research that shows red stands out among other colors, which could potentially result in preferential treatment onboard. The blog also claims that wearing red can make you more noticeable and memorable to airline staff, but don't worry, it won't make you stand out in a negative way.

The recommendation to wear red comes from a study conducted by researchers at the University of Potsdam in Germany, along with collaborators in Munich and the U.S. The study found that women who wore red were perceived to be more attractive than those who did not. But it's not just about attraction, as another study by the University of Durham found that sports teams who wore red were more likely to win than those who didn't. This color is also associated with dominance and power, making it easily noticeable.

So, if you want to be noticed and have your needs met during your travels, consider incorporating red into your airport attire. As Airplane Tips suggests, airline staff may subconsciously perceive passengers in red as more important or of higher status, resulting in enhanced customer service experiences. Of course, it's important to still dress comfortably and appropriately for your journey, but adding some red accents or accessories could potentially have psychological benefits.

But wearing red is not the only thing you can do to ensure a smoother flight. There are some tried and tested methods that may also help improve your journey. For example, former flight attendant and director of Globe Fit Ltd, Hannah Murphey, suggests being kind and friendly to the cabin crew. Showing interest in their job and being polite can go a long way in getting an upgrade or receiving better service during your flight.

Additionally, if you have the option to choose your seat, make sure to consider your decision carefully. Sitting towards the front of the plane can result in a more comfortable flight, as you may experience less turbulence. Plus, during mealtimes, the food service typically starts from the front of the plane, so you'll get to dine first if you're in the front rows. And if there are multiple meal options, sitting at the front also increases your chances of getting your preferred choice.

Ultimately, whether it's wearing red or being kind to the cabin crew, there are ways to potentially improve your flight experience. So as you plan for your next trip, keep these tips in mind and you may just have a smoother journey. This article was first published on January 17, 2024. Do you have a story to share? Get in touch by emailing email.

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