We Live in Time moved me to tears until I was emotionally spent.

Pugh and Garfield's emotional performance tugs at our hearts.

January 1st 2025.

We Live in Time moved me to tears until I was emotionally spent.
"We Live in Time" is the romantic comedy-drama that fans have been eagerly anticipating. The dynamic duo of Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh come together in a heart-wrenching tale that will tug at your heartstrings.

I have to admit, I'm a bit of a cry-baby. I can easily be brought to tears by a sad news story or a cheesy montage, but it's not often that my tears actually make it down my cheeks and onto my neck. However, this film had me reaching for a tissue more than a few times. I have a feeling even those with a tougher exterior will find themselves getting a little misty-eyed.

Garfield and Pugh have a dreamy chemistry on screen, perfectly portraying the ups and downs of a couple who meet in a very unusual way - through a road accident. As they navigate the highs and lows of life together, their easy and relaxed chemistry makes them feel like a real couple. Plus, it's hard not to root for them when you find out that Tobias works in IT for Weetabix and Almut is a chef and restaurant owner with a passion for food.

But this film is about more than just their relationship. It's also about the bigger questions in life, complicated emotions, and tough decisions. When Almut is diagnosed with cancer, it's not just about her illness, but how it affects everything else in their lives. This relatable theme runs throughout the film, making it an emotional journey for the audience.

Playwright Nick Payne shows his talent for creating empathetic characters and realistic dialogue in his first original screenplay. However, there are moments where the dialogue may seem a bit simplistic, such as an argument between Almut and Tobias over having children. But overall, the script is sharp, funny, and endearing - even finding humor in the darkest of times.

Directed by John Crowley, "We Live in Time" has a light touch that allows for both heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. The birth scene, in particular, is a brilliant mix of chaos and emotion. And let's not forget the fantastic supporting cast, including Douglas Hodges as Tobias' supportive father and Almut's restaurant staff.

While the film may not be perfect, with some minor quibbles about the age of the characters and the non-linear storytelling, it's still a touching and relatable portrayal of a relationship. And with a beautiful score by Bryce Dessner, it's the perfect film to get lost in your feelings and go on an emotional journey.

"We Live in Time" will be released in UK cinemas on January 1, 2025. Trust me, it's worth the wait.

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