Voting takes place in South Africa's largest election since apartheid ended.

Black South Africans face high unemployment and poverty rates, while white South Africans generally thrive.

May 30th 2024.

Voting takes place in South Africa's largest election since apartheid ended.
As the highly anticipated general election in South Africa approaches, citizens are gearing up to cast their votes in what is being called the most pivotal election since the end of apartheid. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) Party, which has held power since the historic leadership of former President Nelson Mandela in 1994, is facing a tough battle to maintain its control over the nation. While recent polls suggest that the ANC may still have a good chance of staying in power, there is also growing restlessness among voters who have concerns about the direction in which the country is heading. In fact, if the ANC's support falls below 50%, it may be forced to form a coalition government for the first time in its history.

At a rally at the FNB soccer stadium in Soweto, ANC leader and current South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed thousands of voters, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming election on May 29. He declared, "This is one of the most important elections in our nation's history." Following the casting of his own ballot, Ramaphosa expressed confidence that the people of South Africa would once again place their trust in the ANC to lead the country. He stated, "Today is the day when South Africa decides on the future of our nation and who will guide our government. I have no doubt in my heart that the people will once again show their faith in the African National Congress."

Nevertheless, challenges still loom over South Africa, and the country has been ranked as the most divided nation in the world by the World Bank. High unemployment rates, rampant corruption, unstable economic growth, power outages, and staggering levels of violent crime continue to plague the nation, with Black South Africans, who make up 81% of the population, bearing the brunt of the struggles. The Black community is disproportionately affected by poverty and joblessness, largely due to the struggles within the public school system. In contrast, white South Africans often have access to better job opportunities and higher wages.

As citizens like Samuel Ratshalingwa waited patiently in line to cast their votes, they expressed their hopes for change. Ratshalingwa stated, "Our main concern in our community is the lack of job opportunities. We must use our votes to make our voices heard about this issue." In the last national election in 2019, the ANC received 57.5% of the vote, its worst result to date. Many attribute this decline in support to the growing poverty in the nation and numerous corruption scandals that have plagued the ANC. Additionally, many communities have been left without basic government services, such as running water, electricity, and proper housing. Actor and filmmaker Sydney Radebe expressed his desire for change, saying, "We want to see progress. This is a wealthy country, but the people have nothing. We don't have land or property. How can we call ourselves 'free' if we own nothing?"

For first-time voters like Newton Ugboh, 20, the election represents a chance for much-needed change. Ugboh explained, "I came early in the morning because I am desperate for change." Prominent opponent of the ANC, John Steenhuisen, believes that this election presents a real opportunity for the opposition to gain power. The leader of the Democratic Alliance party stated, "For the first time in 30 years, the opposition has a chance at victory." While Steenhuisen does not anticipate his party winning a majority, he is confident in their pre-election agreement with smaller parties to work together to oust the ANC. He declared, "We cannot solve South Africa's problems by keeping the same people around the table making the same bad decisions with the same unfortunate results."

Despite the challenges facing the country, Ramaphosa remains optimistic about the ANC's chances of staying in power. He believes that South Africa is in a better position now than during the oppressive era of apartheid, when Black people were denied the right to vote, restricted in their movements, and forced to live in designated areas. As the polls opened at 7 a.m. and were scheduled to close at 9 p.m., nearly 3,000 soldiers were deployed across the country to ensure a safe and smooth election process. The independent electoral commission responsible for overseeing the election reported only minor issues with some polling stations opening late. This election marks the seventh national vote in which all races in South Africa have been allowed to participate, a significant milestone in the nation's history.

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