Villain confirmed dead after attack on Emmerdale.

Going from a charge of grievous bodily harm to one of manslaughter.

July 3rd 2023.

Villain confirmed dead after attack on Emmerdale.
It's been a devastating few weeks for Dan in Emmerdale. After learning that his daughter Amelia had a stalker, Dan issued Lloyd with a threat, only for the harassment to escalate and Dan to respond with his fists. Now, Lloyd is left hospitalised and on the brink of death, leaving Dan with the very real possibility that he might have killed him.

Actor Liam Fox spoke to The Agency about how Dan is feeling. He said: 'He'd never thought about Lloyd having a family of any description. When he meets the wife, she's so normal and nice and everything. That makes him feel worse - maybe Lloyd isn't the person he thought he was.'

Dan's fears that he may have got it all wrong are increasing when he's taken in for questioning and DS Giles reveals that Lloyd's phone showed no law breaks, making Dan's attack seem completely unjustified. Liam added: 'She's got him on everything. Everything he's said, everything that's happened originally with Lloyd, the threats that Dan's made to Lloyd and going to the hospital talking to Lloyd's wife. He feels trapped. It's not looking good. He could be charged with GBH.'

The events take an even more dramatic turn when Amelia learns of Dan's arrest and charge. Dan grabs a bottle of whiskey and heads to the woods, before returning home and unleashing his fear and anger on Amelia in a destructive outburst. With the police officer's questioning as the key to his undoing, Dan is left facing an uncertain future.

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