Vehicles registered before April 1, 2019 must have HSRP for legal road use.

November 28th 2023.

Vehicles registered before April 1, 2019 must have HSRP for legal road use.
Residents of Narmadapuram have been warned to make sure their vehicles are fitted with the latest High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) before April 1, 2019, or face a hefty fine. The last date to obtain the HSRP is December 15, 2019, and the local transport department has launched an awareness campaign to encourage vehicle owners to do so.

The High Court and the Office of the Transport Commissioner have ordered that 100% of the vehicles must be fitted with a HSRP before January 15, 2020. The benefits of HSRP are numerous, including easy identification of the vehicle owner. This is achieved through a punch on the number plate and a blue hologram with a permanent pin of 10 digits. Once the number plate is scanned, all the information related to the vehicle can be retrieved.

Regional Transport Officer Nisha Chouhan has confirmed the receipt of the order from the High Court and the Transport Commissioner. She added that vehicle owners will be encouraged to put the HSRP till December 15, 2019, and those who fail to do so will be penalized.

So, vehicle owners in Narmadapuram are advised to make sure their vehicles have the HSRP to avoid any legal repercussions. It is an important step for vehicle safety and will also help the authorities keep track of the vehicles.

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