Vandals and bigger accidents

A biker recently vandalized my left rearview mirror recently and sped away. I’d initially thought it was a case of hit and run. But, no, the video showed him drive close and punch the mirror before he sped away.

The video also confirmed he’d turned his plates around so he couldn’t be identified. He knew what he was doing.

This brings some unnecessary hassle with it. The covering and a few of the wires are gone and will need to be fixed.

But I came away feeling lucky. The mirror didn’t break – so I’m still able to drive the car while I schedule a fix.

It could have been worse.

This is also when my very useful bigger accident superstition kicks in to reframe this random incident as a gift that prevented something worse from happening.

A good reminder that we don’t usually control what happens to us… but we can control how we respond. And, sometimes, a bit of reframing goes a long way to ensure we’re responding from wholeness vs. our wounds.
