US soldiers who have died in service are honored and remembered on Memorial Day with gratitude and appreciation.

Chicagoans gathered for Rosehill Cemetery's Memorial Day parade, ceremony, cannon salute and cookout.

May 27th 2024.

US soldiers who have died in service are honored and remembered on Memorial Day with gratitude and appreciation.
Danny Montcalm fondly recalled one of his earliest memories of Memorial Day when he was just five years old. His grandfather had taken him to Clark Street, where they visited a monument dedicated to World War I veterans near Rosehill Cemetery. Now, at the age of 70, Montcalm still makes it a tradition to spend Memorial Day at the very same spot, watching as a parade of local veterans, Cub Scouts, high school students, and other organizations march by to honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for their country.

As a descendant of two generations of armed forces members, Montcalm understands the importance of this day and is just one of the many Chicago-area veterans and residents who gathered at Rosehill Cemetery for the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony. The parade route was lined with an “Avenue of Flags” inside the cemetery, displaying the flags of all the wars that the United States has fought in. Michael Weidman, a service manager at Rosehill Cemetery, shared that the cemetery holds the largest number of Union soldiers from the Civil War among all private cemeteries in the Midwest. This history serves as a reminder of the significance and gravity of Memorial Day.

At the ceremony, Weidman expressed his gratitude to all the veterans and service members who have bravely served and continue to serve their country. He reminded everyone that their sacrifices should never be taken for granted. Weidman was followed by other speakers, including Nikki Swafford, a regent with a local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She spoke about her organization's desire to honor the sacrifice of their ancestors during the Revolutionary War.

For Swafford, Memorial Day holds a special significance as she comes from a long line of patriots who have served in every war since the American Revolution. She marched with a sign during the parade and finds a supportive community at the event. Ald. Andre Vasquez, 40th, also attended the parade and ceremony, thanking the organizers for their efforts to recognize and honor the sacrifices of veterans and fallen soldiers. He reflected on the nation's past and the progress that has been made, while also acknowledging that there is still work to be done in achieving the values that these brave individuals fought for.

In addition to honoring those who have passed, Vasquez also encouraged attendees to show appreciation for the veterans who have returned home. This message hit close to home for Army veteran Ryan Killacky, who served in Afghanistan and lost two of his teammates during his deployment. Killacky and his wife, Panita Luangkesorn, have been actively involved with the American Legion and have volunteered at Rosehill's Memorial Day event many times. This year, they decided to attend as guests and take in the ceremony. Luangkesorn stressed the importance of remembering and honoring veterans not just on Memorial Day, but every day, and urged people to show kindness and understanding to those who have served. She reminded everyone that everyone's journey towards healing is different and should be treated with empathy and support.

As the parade came to a close, the community gathered for a cookout inside the cemetery, a fitting way to end a day of remembrance and reflection. The annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony at Rosehill Cemetery serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals who have fought for their country. It is a day to come together as a community to honor and remember these brave men and women, and to show appreciation for the freedoms that they have fought for.

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