Uncertainty lingers about the stolen Miss Fiji crown, even after its recovery.

Is the true Miss Fiji able to rise?

September 8th 2024.

Uncertainty lingers about the stolen Miss Fiji crown, even after its recovery.
Manshika Prasad had been in disbelief when she was crowned Miss Universe Fiji, a title that had not been given to anyone from the country since 1981. She was only 24 years old at the time and it was supposed to be a life-changing moment for her. Jennifer Chan, one of the judges, recalled that Manshika was "in awe" when she was announced as the winner. She was the embodiment of a kind-hearted person, which was why she deserved the title according to Chan.

However, just two days later, the title was taken away from Manshika and given to Nadine Roberts, a 30-year-old model and property developer from Sydney. Nadine was the runner-up in the competition, but now she was being crowned as the "real Miss Universe Fiji." This sudden change was due to allegations that the vote had been rigged in favor of a "Fiji Indian" contestant by the organizer Grant Dwyer. Lux Projects, the company that bought the license to hold the competition, had a representative on the judging panel who was absent during Manshika's celebration. They claimed to have an eighth vote, which they would have given to Nadine.

This news came as a surprise to Chan, who was one of the judges on the panel. She was not aware of any eighth vote and questioned how someone could vote in a contest if they were not even present. Suspicion arose when it was discovered that one of the judges, Riri Febriani, was absent from the celebratory boat trip and had spent the day on the phone with a man named "Jamie." Melissa White, another judge, believed this to be Jamie McIntyre, an Australian businessman with ties to Lux Projects and Nadine Roberts.

McIntyre had a history of fraudulent activities and was banned from doing business in Australia in 2016. Despite not being a director or shareholder of the MUF licensee company, he was still involved as an adviser due to his connections to associated companies. This raised more questions about the fairness of the competition. The Miss Universe Organization stepped in and took back the crown from Nadine, restoring it to Manshika.

Manshika was overjoyed and posted on Instagram about her "incredible journey." She had conducted herself with grace and dignity throughout the ordeal and was praised by White as a "brilliant, compassionate, and beautiful young woman." The truth had finally come out and justice was served. Metro reached out to all parties involved for comment.

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