Ukrainian war prisoners' bodies appear 'tortured' in photos before and after their captivity.

Soldiers share terrifying stories of their experiences in Russian prisons.

September 16th 2024.

Ukrainian war prisoners' bodies appear 'tortured' in photos before and after their captivity.
After two long years in Russian captivity, Ukrainian men have finally been released and reunited with their families. In a statement, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky joyfully announced that 103 prisoners of war have been set free. Among them are defenders of the Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol, military personnel, police officers, and border guards.

For these men and their loved ones, this release marks the end of a terrifying nightmare. Before and after photos of the prisoners paint a stark contrast, revealing the unimaginable horrors they experienced at the hands of their enemy. In the before images, all three men are shown with bright smiles, their faces fuller and rosy-cheeked. But after two years of imprisonment, they have returned home "absolutely exhausted" and emaciated, having lost anywhere between 20kg to 40kg. Their collarbones protrude, their eyes are sunken, and their bellies are sunken, revealing their bones and joints. This is a common condition among other Ukrainians who have been released from captivity in Russia.

One of the soldiers who has been freed is currently undergoing medical examinations and rehabilitation at a state rehabilitation center in the Poltava Region. Like many others, he has suffered torture during his time in captivity. Photographer Kostiantyn Liberov shared these heartbreaking images on Instagram as part of his series documenting the abuse endured by Ukrainian PoWs. "In the photos, you see Ukrainian soldiers who returned from Russian captivity a few days ago after being held for more than two years," he explained. "These are the ones who agreed to be photographed. We are writing this in English because people in Ukraine are already aware that Russia is violating the Geneva Convention and subjecting our prisoners to inhumane conditions."

The pictures serve as evidence of these violations, and with this publication, Liberov hopes to once again bring attention to the situation for a Western audience. "Russia tortures, abuses, and starves those who were simply defending their homes," he emphasized. "Meanwhile, Russian soldiers in Ukrainian captivity are receiving proper medical care and a balanced diet, leading to weight gain. On the other hand, Ukrainians return home completely exhausted and significantly lighter."

Upon their return, many soldiers have shared harrowing accounts of their time in captivity, often facing torture and ill-treatment. In July, a United Nations human rights agency reported on the widespread use of these tactics, including sexual violence, against civilians and Ukrainian PoWs held by Russia. This latest prisoner exchange, the eighth of its kind since the start of 2024, brings the total number of released PoWs to 1,994. This ongoing situation highlights the blatant disregard for the Geneva Convention by Russia, who denies international commissions access to their prisoner-of-war camps in an attempt to hide the evidence of their violations. It is a stark contrast to the treatment of Russian soldiers held by Ukraine, who receive proper medical care and balanced meals while in captivity. The release of these Ukrainian men serves as a reminder of the ongoing conflict and the need for international attention and intervention.

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