Ukrainian soldiers provide aid and cigarettes to Russians following intense battle.

Intense video shows the brutal reality of trench warfare in Ukraine.

May 30th 2024.

Ukrainian soldiers provide aid and cigarettes to Russians following intense battle.
A group of Ukrainian soldiers are caught on bodycam footage engaged in a fierce assault on a Russian dugout. The intense reality of trench warfare in Ukraine is on full display as they fight to capture the enemy redoubt. In this particular operation, five soldiers are in the thick of close-quarters combat, using their weapons and hand grenades to flush out the Russian soldiers hiding in fortified tunnels just feet away.

The scene is reminiscent of the brutal battles of the world wars, as the Ukrainian troops from the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo push forward through the shelling of Vladimir Putin's forces in the eastern Donbas region. With their point-of-view camera capturing every moment, the soldiers relentlessly fire at the bullet-riddled post in a wood near the strategically important city of Chasiv Yar in Donetsk.

As they continue their assault, one of the Ukrainian soldiers can be heard shouting, "Are you getting out or not?" The Russian infantryman finally emerges from the bunker, raising his hands in surrender. The Ukrainian soldiers quickly take him prisoner, using him as a potential bargaining chip for the return of their own captured comrades. In a surprising gesture, they even offer him a cigarette, with one soldier warning him not to be foolish or he might end up like his fallen comrades.

This is just one of the many fierce battles taking place around Chasiv Yar, as Ukrainian troops and drone operators put up a strong defense against Russian forces attempting to capture the town. In another video shared on social media, a Ukrainian soldier can be seen bravely standing his ground, smoking a cigarette and shouting "Glory to Ukraine" before being fatally shot by suspected Russian troops. He was posthumously awarded the Hero of Ukraine medal for his bravery.

Andrii Polukhin, a representative for the 24th brigade, proudly shared the success of their recent operation, where they were able to capture several enemy positions and a prisoner without any losses on their side. He also drew attention to the stark difference in treatment of prisoners between the Ukrainian and Russian forces. While the Ukrainian soldiers adhere to international conventions and treat their prisoners humanely, there have been numerous reports of torture and executions by the Russian army.

Mr. Polukhin also used the footage to highlight the crucial need for Western support in the form of weapons and equipment to strengthen Ukraine's defense. The 24th brigade, which has been fighting since the start of the Russian aggression in 2014, has proven their combat skills and experience. With the addition of advanced weapons and equipment, they believe they can be even more effective in defending their country.

The footage from the operation was described as "terrifying" by United24, Ukraine's official fundraising platform, which shared the video on social media. The organization, which celebrated its second anniversary recently, has been a source of support for Kyiv's war effort. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude to the millions of people who have supported the fund and announced a new campaign to develop combat robots for the Ukrainian army.

In the midst of all this, Ukrainian forces made advances in Kharkiv Oblast while Russia gained ground in other areas. However, the UK Ministry of Defence announced that the annual Russian International Army Games had been cancelled. This could be due to criticism over the trivialization of war as well as potential shortages of skilled personnel and equipment that could threaten Russia's dominance in the competition.

In the face of this ongoing conflict, there are countless stories of bravery and resilience among the Ukrainian soldiers. One such story is of a British man who walked 300km to fight alongside his Ukrainian comrades after his friend was killed by Russian forces. These are the true heroes, risking their lives on the frontlines to defend their country against foreign aggression.

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