Ukrainian covert forces carry out brave missions while being watched by Russian forces.

Ukraine's special forces need modern arms to match their bravery.

January 7th 2024.

Ukrainian covert forces carry out brave missions while being watched by Russian forces.
Ukraine's special forces are carrying out dangerous and daring missions deep behind Russian lines. The elite 73rd Naval Centre of Operations is at the forefront of Kyiv's fight against the vastly superior resources of the enemy.

Operators in the 73rd go on highly dangerous missions, risking their lives in open water and on land. Lt Col Oleksandr Kindratenko, spokesperson for Ukraine's SOF, has warned that the operators urgently need modern weapons from the West to preserve their lives.

He has given an insight into the 73rd's operations, where snipers hunt targets at night on the Dnipro River and small boats are used for rapid assaults. He also spoke of the overall role of SOF since the full-scale Russian invasion.

"Operations on water are particularly difficult and dangerous, because operators move on a boat in an open space and are constantly in the zone of a potential enemy strike," Lt Col Kindratenko said. "But the SOF warriors continue to bravely carry out the most difficult missions."

Unique within Ukraine's special forces, the 73rd operates on land and water on both the frontline and deep behind enemy lines. They use high-tech kit, including night vision, high explosives, and military diving equipment, supplied in part by Western forces.

Operators undergo rigorous training to ensure they can control their fear and carry out missions successfully. One operator described carrying out water operations and said "you have to have balls to do this job".

The special forces are motivated to liberate all of the Ukrainian homeland's lawful territory since the Russian military aggression in 2014. Losses inflicted on Russian forces are widely considered to be vastly higher, with the UK Ministry of Defence saying the number could reach half a million by 2025 if it continues at the present rate.

Core special forces work includes ground and aerial reconnaissance and special operations on the front and behind Russian lines, aimed at destroying the enemy's combat, logistical and strategic potential. The warriors were among the first to enter liberated Kherson in November 2022 and have established a foothold on the city's left bank of the Dnipro River.

Ukraine's special forces are facing an uphill battle, but they remain determined to protect and preserve the Ukrainian nation and to return all occupied territories to Ukrainian control. The 73rd Naval Centre of Operations is at the tip of Kyiv's spear and has been highly active in the fight for a complete victory over the enemy.
Ukraine's special forces are on the frontlines of the battle for the nation's independence from Russia's occupation. Operating deep behind enemy lines, the 73rd Naval Centre of Operations is a secretive elite unit, comparable to the US Navy Seals or UK Special Boat Service.

These brave operators carry out dangerous and difficult missions - often at night - on both the land and open water. They use small groups and high-tech equipment to act quickly and unexpectedly against an enemy with vastly superior resources.

Lt Col Oleksandr Kindratenko, spokesperson for Ukraine's SOF, spoke to The Agency and warned that the operators urgently need the West to supply modern weapons to preserve their lives. He described the challenging and dangerous operations on water that require special skills.

The 73rd's unique operations on land and water have been at the tip of Ukraine's spear since the outset of the full-scale Russian invasion. They are trained and partly equipped by Western forces, and use kit including small boats, night vision, high explosives and military diving equipment.

Operators have described carrying out water operations, which involve spending long periods in cold water while wearing scuba gear. It requires a special kind of courage, they said.

While the Armed Forces have paid a high price resisting the all-out invasion, the special forces are motivated to liberate all of their homeland's lawful territory. Losses inflicted on the Russian forces are widely considered to be vastly higher, and the UK Ministry of Defense says the number could reach half a million by 2025 if it continues at the present rate.

The core work of special forces includes ground and aerial reconnaissance and special operations on the front and behind Russian lines, aimed at destroying the enemy's combat, logistical and strategic potential. They were among the first to enter liberated Kherson in November 2022 and have established a foothold on the city's left bank of the Dnipro River.

Ukraine's special forces are courageously fighting for their nation's independence, and for the preservation of the Ukrainian nation. With the West's help, they can achieve a complete victory over the enemy and return the occupied territories to Ukrainian control.

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