UK women are too shy to discuss vaginal discharge, STIs or sexual health.

Taboos are still prevalent in society, according to research.

July 15th 2023.

UK women are too shy to discuss vaginal discharge, STIs or sexual health.
Women are still uncomfortable discussing female health issues with doctors, with many topics considered to be taboos. A survey conducted by health insurer Vitality revealed that while we are becoming more comfortable discussing menopause and menstruation, other topics such as discharge and low libido remain off the cards.

33% of women in the UK avoid talking about childbirth-related problems, and more than half are too embarrassed to discuss vaginal discharge and tearing. An additional 21% would avoid seeing their doctor about women's health concerns in general due to embarrassment. It is clear that we have a long way to go in normalising such conditions.

The survey also explored why women don't discuss these topics with their friends or family. 22% said that they don't want the attention to be focused on them, 20% are worried about being judged, and 12% fear bringing down the mood of the group. 19% of participants said that they prefer to deal with female health issues themselves instead of seeking medical advice, and 14% prefer to search for their symptoms online. It is worrying that one in ten even believe they might be judged if they approach a professional.

Shockingly, 20% of respondents didn't attend their last cervical smear screening, with many citing fear of getting undressed in front of a doctor or nurse. ‘Although significant progress has been made in the area of women’s health and our attitudes towards it, taboos do still exist,’ said Dr Kiran Johal, Medical Advisor at Vitality. ‘Talking about a health concern has the potential to save lives, whether that’s encouraging someone to attend a screening appointment or finding support in others going through the same experience. Remember, keeping things to yourself can be isolating and the only way to break the stigma is by talking – the more open you are about your health, the faster you can access the support you need.’

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