UK traveler continuously explains that he is not a well-known smuggler during entire vacation.

"It was utterly terrifying and should never have occurred. I'm at a loss for why we were targeted."

September 8th 2024.

UK traveler continuously explains that he is not a well-known smuggler during entire vacation.
A British couple, James and Louise, were eagerly anticipating their £1,400 holiday in Tunisia. It was meant to be a celebration of James' retirement from his job at a Nissan car plant. However, what was supposed to be a peaceful retreat turned into a nightmare when James was arrested upon their arrival at Enfidha-Hammamet International Airport.

Armed police questioned James, mistaking him for a convicted cigarette smuggler with a similar name, James Coyle. The couple was shocked and terrified as they were taken to a court in the capital city of Tunis. It was a confusing and traumatic experience for them, especially since they had done nothing wrong.

James' wife, Louise, was also taken aback by the situation. She couldn't understand why they were being targeted and warned others against traveling to Tunisia. She felt that it was not a safe place for British tourists at the moment. The couple had to spend their entire holiday fighting the charges, which cost them an additional £800 for lawyer fees, bribes to local officials, and multiple trips to Tunis.

James described the experience as mentally draining and terrifying. He couldn't believe that something like this could happen to them. The thought of being locked up or fined was constantly on his mind. But luckily, the case was dropped within seconds of appearing in front of the judge, as the charges were deemed too old. It was a huge relief for the couple, but they were still left wondering if it was all just a scam to extort money from them.

The holiday that was supposed to be a celebration turned into a nightmare for James and Louise. They never got to enjoy their luxurious five-star hotel in Mahida and were instead caught up in a legal battle. The court building was described as outdated, with paper files everywhere and staff smoking inside. It was a far cry from the relaxing holiday they had envisioned.

However, the couple's troubles were not over yet. They had to deal with the Tunisian legal system and language barriers. After being quoted an exorbitant price for a lawyer, they managed to find a local English-speaking one for a more reasonable fee. But even in court, they were unsure of what was happening, until a sudden turn of events when the judge quickly dismissed the case.

It was then revealed by James' lawyer that the case should have never gone ahead in the first place, as it was for an offence that happened over five years ago. The couple was relieved to be free, but the whole ordeal left them questioning the motives of the Tunisian authorities. They couldn't understand why they were targeted and if there was any corruption involved.

The couple's warning to others not to travel to Tunisia at the moment is a cautionary tale. They urge others to be aware of the potential risks and to thoroughly research their travel destinations before booking a holiday. The Tunisian Embassy in London has been contacted for comment, but the couple is still waiting for answers and closure on their traumatic experience.

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