UK's top delayed flight paths.

Most flights are delayed by 36 minutes on average.

April 10th 2024.

UK's top delayed flight paths.
The UK's most disrupted routes have just been revealed, and it's bad news for those traveling from the UK to various destinations. Among all the flight paths, there is one particular route that stands out with constant delays - the Ryanair flight from Leeds Bradford to Ławica Airport in Poznań, Poland. Passengers on this route can expect an average delay of 36 minutes, making it the most likely journey to arrive behind schedule.

The research, conducted by Esendex, examined over 250 flight routes from 20 UK airports using FlightRadar24. They found that despite the scheduled arrival time of 11.51am, the actual arrival time for this flight was 12.27pm. Not exactly a great way to start off your summer vacation. Esendex also analyzed data from the past 12 months to determine if flights were delayed, early, or on time.

Following closely behind as the second most delayed route is Birmingham to Dubai in the UAE, with an average delay of 30 minutes. The third spot goes to East Midlands Airport to Paris Orly Airport, with an average delay of 28 minutes. Interestingly, Bristol Airport appeared three times in the top 10 list, with both international and domestic flights experiencing regular delays. Flights from Bristol to destinations such as Guernsey, Edinburgh, and Porto in Portugal have all arrived behind schedule.

On the other hand, when it comes to arriving early, the London Heathrow to Delhi route takes the top spot. Passengers flying with Air India can expect to arrive an average of 35 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. Belfast to Frankfurt comes in second and Manchester to Prague takes the third spot for the earliest flights.

In terms of airlines, a report from last year showed that Wizz Air had the most delays. Across all carriers, the average delay time was 24 minutes, but Wizz Air's average delay time was a whopping 46 minutes and six seconds. According to Rory Boland, editor of consumer choice publication Which?, this is a worrying trend and not surprising for passengers who have had to endure poor treatment from airlines for years. The lack of appropriate powers for regulators to punish airlines who break the law, including withholding refunds, is a major concern for travelers.

Chris Gorman, head of professional services at Esendex, stressed the importance of airlines having the right digital infrastructure in place to keep passengers informed and updated about delays. This is crucial in allowing passengers to stay in contact with the airline and find a solution to their travel problems. Have you experienced any flight delays or disruptions? Share your story by emailing us!

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