UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has barred the public and press from attending the Conservative Party's spring conference.

Shutting out others keeps us all in the dark.

March 24th 2023.

UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has barred the public and press from attending the Conservative Party's spring conference.

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The public and press were barred from attending the Conservative Party's spring conference, where Prime Minister Rishi Sunak gave a speech and held a Q&A session with Tory activists. The event was closed to media, although footage of Sunak's address was posted on social media. Additionally, Treasury Minister Andrew Griffith questioned Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on the economy, as inflation has risen to 10.4%. Food prices, in particular, have seen a 45-year high of 18% inflation. The conference had some words of advice for cash-strapped Britons, but only for those hoping to raise money for the party.

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No members of the public or press were allowed to witness Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's speech at the Conservative Party's spring conference in Birmingham today. The event was closed off to media and was an 'internal event' according to the party. Sunak had a Q&A session and hosted drinks for Tory activists, and during his speech he said his priorities were to 'halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut waiting lists and stop the boats'. Treasury Minister Andrew Griffith also quizzed Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on the economy, as inflation had risen to 10.4% after a slow downward trend. Food inflation had especially risen, with prices increasing at an annual rate of 18%. The conference gave advice to cash-strapped Brits, but only Tory members hoping to raise money for the party.

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