Ugly 70s décor is surprisingly popular again in houses.

A new arrival in your restroom.

October 7th 2024.

Ugly 70s décor is surprisingly popular again in houses.
It seems like everywhere you turn, millennials are being blamed for their love of avocados. The media has painted us as a generation that spends all of our money on brunch instead of investing in property. But for those of us who do have our own homes or even rent a place, our millennial interests are starting to make their way into our decor choices.

You may have noticed a surge of avo green and its lighter counterparts in young people's interior design, especially in the bathroom. Shades like wild sage, lemon, peach, sorbet, mint, and of course, avocado, are becoming quite popular among our generation. And it seems that even Gen Z is taking inspiration from the 70s, with a nod to the colors and styles of that era.

According to a recent report by DIY retailer Wickes, over a quarter of 24 to 34-year-olds have chosen avocado as the color they would most like to use in a bathroom upgrade. Another popular option is a pastel blue suite, which was also popular in the 70s, with 28% of this age group choosing it. And it seems that 10% of millennials would even like to see the return of 1970s-style paneling.

This retro shade is definitely having a moment, as seen in the 350% increase in searches for "dark green bathroom" on Pinterest's Autumn report. And there has been a whopping 2,670% rise in searches for "green home decor" in general. But not everyone is on board with this trend.

Some people on Reddit are not afraid to voice their opinions, with one user calling the trend "hideous" and another comparing the color to "diarrhea green." But others are embracing the vintage look, with one user saying they "think it looks really cute" and another expressing their relief that not everything looks like it's from Ikea.

Head of Bathrooms at Wickes, Tim Richards, explains that although the controversial avocado green shade is making a comeback, it's not exactly the same as it was in the 70s. Today, it's used in a much lighter and more subtle way, often mixed with other colors and natural elements to create a modern twist on a classic.

Just like the millennial obsession with house plants, there's a reason behind this trend. Richards says that millennials are drawn to green in the bathroom because it reflects peace and nature, creating a sense of relaxation after a busy day.

But if you want to embrace this trend without your bathroom looking like your grandmother's, British design historian and professor Deborah Sugg Ryan has some tips. She suggests incorporating smart lighting and different textures to create a more inviting and personal space. And don't be afraid to mix in brighter colors and bold materials for a fun and unique look.

So go ahead and add some disco balls, bold shades, and quirky prints to your bathroom – just maybe skip the shag pile carpets. Let's leave that 70s trend in the past where it belongs. Have a story to share about your own bathroom decor? We'd love to hear it. Get in touch with us by emailing us.

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