Tyler Perry offers assistance to Atlanta couple who lost $60,000 in a scam.

Perry's latest act of kindness involved fulfilling his promise to build a new home for 94-year-old Josephine Wright, who was fighting to keep her land from developers in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

July 23rd 2024.

Tyler Perry offers assistance to Atlanta couple who lost $60,000 in a scam.
In a heartbreaking turn of events, George and Dorothy Williams were taken advantage of by a deceitful man named Steven Chastain who falsely presented himself as a contractor for HomeSmart Services. After being promised that he would fix their home for $147,000, the couple ended up paying him $60,000 and taking out a loan, only to have Chastain disappear without completing the repairs. This left the elderly couple in a desperate situation with a home in dire need of renovations.

Thankfully, a guardian angel in the form of filmmaker Tyler Perry has come to the rescue. Upon learning of the Williams' plight through their grandson's GoFundMe page, Perry reached out to them. According to Dorothy Williams, he reassured her and told her not to worry anymore, as he would take care of everything. It was a much-needed ray of hope for the couple in their time of need.

The Williams' urgent need for repairs was due to hazardous conditions, including a deteriorated floor caused by years of water line leaks. Seeking assistance, they had hired a team that was working on a neighboring property. However, they were taken advantage of by a representative who presented them with a fraudulent construction contract disguised as a mere cost estimation. Under pressure, the couple reluctantly signed and paid a significant amount upfront.

As the work began, it abruptly came to a halt when the representative claimed to have secured a city permit and requested the remaining 50% of the project's budget. To their dismay, the workers left the site, citing a lack of necessary permits. This left the Williams' in a dire situation, as they had to take matters into their own hands and secure their own permit to proceed with the renovations. To add insult to injury, the company only offered a partial refund of $10,000, along with a hefty 25% cancellation fee, despite the incomplete work.

Fortunately, Perry has proven to be a man of his word. As reported by the AJC, he has not only promised to cover the cost of repairs and the initial loan taken out by the Williams', but his team will also be working with the City of Atlanta to obtain permits and oversee the construction of their home. This act of generosity is not the first of its kind for Perry, as he had previously promised to build a new home for 94-year-old Josephine Wright, who was fighting to keep her land from developers. Despite her passing, Perry has vowed to fulfill his promise to her, as her story had deeply inspired him.

In a heartfelt social media post, Perry expressed his admiration for Wright, stating that her house will remain a gathering place for her large family for generations to come, a testament to her strength and resilience. As he bids her farewell, he acknowledges her as a true fighter who has left a lasting impact on him. These selfless acts of kindness by Perry serve as a reminder of the power of compassion and the impact one can have on the lives of others.

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