Two months before getting married, I found out my fiancé wasn't real.

Megan has thought about and considered her difficult experience.

October 21st 2024.

Two months before getting married, I found out my fiancé wasn't real.
Megan Clarke's love story began like a fairytale. She was living her best life as a young, single woman on the Isle of Wight. Settling down wasn't even on her radar in 2017. But then, a handsome and charming man named Lord Bertie Underwood walked into her workplace, a bar, on a quiet weeknight and made his romantic intentions clear.

At first, Megan was hesitant to get involved. But Bertie's wooing was hard to resist. He would send her flowers at work, give her expensive gifts from Harrods, and take her on luxurious dates in London in his Bentley car. Megan was swept off her feet and soon moved into Bertie's three-story seafront home, decorating it with their happy selfies.

The whirlwind romance continued, and on their first Christmas day together, Bertie proposed with a Cartier diamond ring and even offered Megan a Lady title if she wished. She was over the moon and happily accepted. Bertie also asked her to leave her job at the bar and join his watch-selling business. Megan was hesitant to leave a job she loved, but her love for Bertie was stronger, and she believed they were working on something big together.

But after 18 months together, things started to unravel. Strange letters addressed to previous tenants started arriving at their home, and when Megan asked Bertie about them, he would brush them off. Something inside her told her to investigate, and she found multiple cards under different names. When she confronted Bertie, he shut her down again.

Feeling suspicious, Megan decided to do some digging and was shocked to discover that her beloved Bertie was actually Robert Madejski, a conman with a history of convictions. His aristocratic backstory, posh accent, job as a horologist – everything was a lie. Even her engagement ring turned out to be fake. And his request to never post about him on social media suddenly made sense – he was hiding from many people.

Megan was heartbroken and devastated. She couldn't believe that the man she loved was a fraud. When asked why she didn't look into his story earlier, she explained that she's a trusting person and he was good at what he did, always making up tiny lies to back up the big ones. For example, he had told her about installing floorboards in a London studio, but it turned out the house was just a rental. He had also claimed that his great-grandfather invented the Underwood typewriter, but it was all made up.

When Megan confronted Robert, he offered no real answers and then disappeared, leaving her to cancel their wedding. Her story is extreme, but unfortunately, romance scams are not uncommon. A recent study found that nine million people in the UK were caught out by scams last year, and romance scams are one of the most common ways to deceive.

Con artists have always taken advantage of people's worries, needs, desires, and kindness. It's a sad reality that many people fall victim to these scams, and Megan's story serves as a reminder to always be cautious and do your research before fully trusting someone.
Megan Clarke never thought she would fall in love with a work of fiction, but that's exactly what happened to her. She was living her best life in the Isle of Wight, enjoying being young and single, when a handsome young man named Lord Bertie Underwood walked into her workplace, a bar, and swept her off her feet. Despite not being ready to settle down, Megan couldn't resist his romantic gestures, from lavish gifts to luxurious dates in his Bentley. Before she knew it, they were living together in his three-story seafront home and planning their future together.

Megan was head over heels for Bertie, who seemed like the perfect gentleman. He proposed to her on their first Christmas together with a Cartier diamond ring and even offered her a Lady title if she wanted it. She was so in love that she left her job at the bar to join his watch-selling business. But after 18 months of being together, things started to unravel.

It all started with letters arriving at their home that weren't addressed to either of them. Megan's curiosity led her to do some investigating, and she discovered that Bertie's real name was Robert Madejski and he had a history of conning people. Everything he had told her, from his aristocratic background to his job as a horologist, was a lie. Even the ring he had given her was fake. It all made sense why he never wanted to be posted on social media - he was hiding from people he had scammed.

Megan was heartbroken and shocked that she had been so easily deceived. She had trusted Bertie completely and had no reason to doubt him until the evidence was right in front of her. He was so convincing that he even made up small lies to back up his bigger lies, like pretending to renovate a house that wasn't even his. Megan confronted him, but he couldn't offer any real answers and disappeared, leaving her to cancel their wedding.

Unfortunately, Megan's case is not uncommon. Romance scams are on the rise, with millions of people falling victim to them each year. Con artists prey on people's needs, desires, and kindness, making it easy to deceive them. Megan's advice to others is to always trust your gut and do your research, no matter how charming and convincing someone may seem. And for her, she's learned the hard way that sometimes love can be too good to be true.

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