Two beloved characters will be leaving popular TV show Neighbours due to a tragic car accident.

Must-see drama!

September 14th 2024.

Two beloved characters will be leaving popular TV show Neighbours due to a tragic car accident.
It's hard to believe, but it's truly shocking - there's a lot happening in Neighbours this week! Mackenzie Hargreaves and Haz Devkar are finally getting married, marking one year since the Australian soap first arrived on Amazon Freevee and Prime Video. It's the end of an era as we've seen Mackenzie grow from a troubled teenager to a confident lawyer, and now they're preparing for a new life together in Paris. But will their happiness be cut short when evil cyber attacker Wade Fernsby causes their car to crash?!

Meanwhile, Aaron Brennan is still fighting for custody of his daughter Isla, but he's blind to the fact that surrogate Nicolette Stone was just trying to protect the child when she gathered evidence against him. And there's more drama to come as Andrew and Wendy Rodwell face their own issues, but an unexpected incident threatens to ruin their happiness.

But that's not all - with some characters leaving the show, there could be changes to the iconic title sequence! Here's a rundown of what's coming up on Neighbours.

On Monday, September 16, Toadie is feeling sad that his daughter Nell went behind his back to see her boyfriend JJ, but she stands her ground, insisting she's done nothing wrong. Eventually, they sit down to talk and Toadie opens up about his fears of history repeating itself with Nell, as his late wife Sonya got pregnant as a teenager. Nell finally understands her father's protectiveness and promises not to make the same mistakes.

Over at No. 30, JJ confesses to the Varga-Murphy brothers, which upsets Dex. And next door, Byron is happy to have finished filming video messages for Haz and Mackenzie, as well as testimonials from the neighborhood for Haz's parents. But when Mackenzie breaks the news that they won't be attending the wedding, they quickly change their minds and join in on the big day. Meanwhile, Andrew is shocked to see Felix, the man who ruined Haz's life, in the hospital bed next to him. And when Felix overhears Wade talking about payback, he becomes worried for everyone's safety.

On Tuesday, September 17, Felix realizes that someone could be in danger and alerts his brother Andrew. However, when Andrew tries to question Wade, he gets nowhere. So he discreetly has his police team keep an eye on the wedding, without telling Mackenzie and Haz. The wedding goes off without a hitch and as the share house gang spends their last moments together, Haz has an emotional reunion with his parents. And after tearful goodbyes, the newlyweds leave for their new life in Paris.

But not everything goes smoothly at the reception - Terese is avoiding Toadie like the plague. And when he keeps ending up near her, she can't take it anymore. Meanwhile, Felix spots a former prisoner hanging around Haz's car and becomes concerned that Wade has convinced him to tamper with it. He's relieved when he sees the couple drive off in a rental car, but warns Andrew about the potential danger. The brothers go to check on the car, only to find it missing and fluid spilled where it was parked - it looks like someone has cut the brakes. Who could have taken the car and what danger are Haz and Mackenzie in?
Oh my, the upcoming week in Neighbours is truly going to be a rollercoaster of emotions! You won't believe the news - Mackenzie Hargreaves and Haz Devkar are finally getting married! Can you believe it's been a whole year since the Australian soap arrived on Amazon Freevee and Prime Video? It's truly the end of an era as we've seen Mackenzie grow from a troubled teen to a strong and successful lawyer. And now, the two lovebirds are preparing for a new life together in the romantic city of Paris.

But as we all know, nothing ever goes smoothly in Erinsborough. Just when Mackenzie and Haz are about to embark on their journey to happiness, an evil cyber attacker, Wade Fernsby, causes their car to crash! Will their joy be short-lived?

While all of this is happening, Aaron Brennan is still in the middle of a custody battle for little Isla. But it seems like he's not seeing the whole picture when it comes to his surrogate, Nicolette Stone. She actually had a valid reason for preparing a dossier of evidence against him. Meanwhile, Andrew and Wendy Rodwell are facing their own issues, but things could take a turn for the worse when an incident threatens to ruin their blissful relationship.

As usual, there's a lot going on in Erinsborough. And with some characters leaving the show, there may even be some changes to the iconic title sequence. But don't worry, The Agency has got you covered with a spoiler round-up of all the juicy details. So let's dive in!

On Monday, September 16, we'll see Toadie feeling quite saddened by Nell's actions. It seems like she went behind his back when it comes to her relationship with JJ. But Nell is not backing down, she insists that she did nothing wrong. Finally, father and daughter sit down to talk things through. Toadie reveals his fears about Sonya's teenage pregnancy and how he doesn't want history to repeat itself with Nell. And finally, Nell understands why her dad is so protective. She promises him that she won't make the same mistakes.

In the Varga-Murphy household, things are tense between the brothers. Meanwhile, over at No. 30, JJ comes clean to the rest of the family, which really hurts Dex. Next door, Byron is overjoyed to have finished filming the video messages for Haz and Mackenzie, as well as testimonials from the neighborhood for Haz's parents. However, despite his best efforts, Mackenzie has to break the sad news to Haz that his parents won't be able to attend the wedding. But as the big day arrives, they quickly change their minds and show up to support their son.

At the hospital, Andrew is shocked to learn that Felix has found faith. But little does he know that the man in the bed next to Felix, Wade Fernsby, is the one who ruined Haz's life. Later, Felix overhears Wade talking about payback and becomes concerned. What could this mean?

On Tuesday, September 17, Felix realizes that someone could be in danger and alerts his brother, Andrew. But despite Andrew's attempts to interrogate Wade, he gets nothing out of him. Without evidence, there's not much they can do. Meanwhile, the wedding is in full swing! Harold has the honor of giving Mackenzie away. Just to be on the safe side, Andrew has his policing team keep a subtle presence around the celebrations. But he doesn't tell Mackenzie or Haz, not wanting to spoil their special day.

As the nuptials come to an end, the share house gang has one final moment together in No. 32. Haz has an emotional reunion with his parents, Reena and Sanjeev. Surprisingly, the wedding goes smoothly (for an Erinsborough wedding, that is). After a series of tearful goodbyes, the newlyweds leave for their new adventure in Paris. And of course, Susan is the officiant for the ceremony.

After struggling through the reception, Terese tries to avoid Toadie. But no matter where she goes, he always seems to be there. It becomes too much for her to handle. Meanwhile, Felix notices a former prisoner lurking around Haz's car and becomes concerned that Wade has tampered with it. He's relieved when he sees the happy couple drive off in a rental car. But he warns Andrew about the potential danger. The two brothers head over to check on the car, only to find it missing. And to make matters worse, there's a trail of fluid that suggests the brakes have been cut. Who could have taken the car, and what danger are Haz and Mackenzie in?

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