TV celebrity slams airline for neglect after emergency hospitalization for severe reaction.

I urgently required prompt medical care.

June 17th 2024.

TV celebrity slams airline for neglect after emergency hospitalization for severe reaction.
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Jack Fowler, a former contestant on the popular show Love Island, recently shared a harrowing experience that left him in need of emergency treatment. The 28-year-old reality star took to social media to detail his severe allergic reaction, which occurred on a flight despite his multiple attempts to ensure that the food he was being served did not contain any nuts.

In a post that included a video of him using an epipen on the flight, as well as pictures of him receiving oxygen and in a hospital bed, Jack expressed his shock and frustration at the situation. He also warned others about the seriousness of food allergies and called out the airline, Emirates, for their negligence.

According to Jack, he had informed the flight attendants about his nut allergy twice before being served a chicken curry meal. He was not given a menu to choose from and was instead asked directly if he wanted chicken or fish. Trusting the flight attendant's reassurance that there were no nuts in the meal, Jack began eating but immediately experienced difficulty breathing and his throat began to close up.

He then asked the flight attendant again about the ingredients and was told once more that there were no nuts. However, after a friend he was traveling with asked for a menu, Jack discovered that his meal was actually a "creamy cashew nut chicken curry". He shared a photo of the menu as proof.

Feeling like he was in danger of dying on the plane, Jack asked the flight supervisor to land the plane immediately. He was given five oxygen tanks and used his adrenaline pen, but his condition continued to worsen. Upon landing, he was rushed to a hospital in Dubai where he received further treatment.

This incident was not the first time Jack had a severe allergic reaction while flying. Last year, he also experienced a similar ordeal on a Qatar Airways flight after being served ice cream with hidden pistachio nuts. He considers himself lucky to have survived both incidents and urged others with food allergies to speak up and not feel like a nuisance for having a dietary requirement.

Jack's followers and friends, including fellow Love Island contestant Montana Brown, offered their support and expressed their shock at the situation. Jack also questioned why airlines do not take food allergies more seriously and called for change.

For those unfamiliar with Jack, he rose to fame on Love Island in 2018 where he made connections with fellow contestants Laura Anderson and Laura Crane before being voted off the island. This is not the first time he has spoken out about his experiences with severe allergies and it is clear that he is passionate about raising awareness and promoting safety for those with dietary requirements.

The Agency reached out to Emirates for comment, but no response has been given yet. If you have a story to share, please contact the entertainment team through email, phone, or our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you.

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