Turkish doctor defends himself after patient's death during surgery.

Morgan Ribeiro passed away shortly after traveling to Turkey for a weight-loss operation.

January 25th 2024.

Turkish doctor defends himself after patient's death during surgery.
A young woman named Morgan Ribeiro tragically lost her life after undergoing a weight loss procedure performed by Dr. Serkan Bayil. The surgeon, however, maintains that he did nothing wrong and insists that the cause of Morgan's death was not related to the surgery.

Morgan, who was just 20 years old, had decided to fly to Turkey and pay £2,500 for a gastric band surgery in order to avoid the long waiting lists in the NHS. Dr. Bayil, who has been practicing for over 20 years, regularly performs the gastric procedure and has never encountered any issues before.

Unfortunately, just days after the surgery, Morgan fell seriously ill on her flight back to the UK and had to be taken to a hospital in Serbia. Doctors there informed her family that her small intestine had been cut, resulting in a heart attack. However, Dr. Bayil denies this and claims that Morgan suffered an in-flight embolism instead.

Heartbroken by the loss of her daughter, Morgan's mother Erin is calling for a ban on medical tourism after hearing what the Serbian surgeons had to say. She believes that Morgan's death was not caused by an embolism, as Dr. Bayil claims, but rather due to a laceration in her small intestine that was not detected by the surgeon.

Dr. Bayil's online profile, linked to a Swiss medical travel company, boasts of his extensive experience and over 8,000 successful medical procedures. He completed his education in Turkey in the mid-1990s and has been practicing ever since.

Morgan's partner, James Brewster, revealed that she had done thorough research before deciding to undergo the weight loss surgery. She did not want to spend years on a waiting list in the NHS and had saved up money from her trust fund to pay for the procedure.

The surgery itself is known as gastric sleeve surgery, where a silicone band is inserted to limit the amount of food a person can consume. Dr. Bayil claims that the surgery was performed in a sterile hospital environment, but Morgan's family is seeking accountability for her tragic death.

The investigation into Morgan's death is ongoing, as Serbian prosecutors and British authorities have launched an inquiry. In a desperate attempt to save her life, doctors in Belgrade had to perform an emergency surgical procedure that involved removing a significant portion of her small intestine.

Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, with 1.3 million foreign patients seeking bargain procedures in 2022 alone. The cost of gastric surgery in the UK is significantly higher, ranging from £8,000 to £10,000, making Turkey an appealing option for those looking to save money.

Morgan's family is mourning the loss of their beloved daughter and is seeking answers and accountability for her untimely death. They hope that their story will raise awareness about the risks of medical tourism and prevent others from experiencing a similar tragedy.

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