Trump joins Black Business Roundtable to celebrate support of Black voters, despite previous controversies.

Atlanta business owners and community leaders, including radio host Shelley Wynter, also took part in the event.

June 28th 2024.

Trump joins Black Business Roundtable to celebrate support of Black voters, despite previous controversies.
In a recent business roundtable discussion, former President Donald Trump made a surprise call to express his gratitude to Black voters for their unwavering support since the release of his mug shot photo. The event, held at a barbershop in Atlanta on June 26, was organized by the Trump campaign and featured prominent GOP allies such as Ben Carson and Representatives Byron Donalds and Wesley Hunt.

As the discussion delved into various topics, Trump eagerly took the opportunity to boast about the surge in Black voter support since his infamous mug shot was made public. He even went so far as to declare it the "number one mug shot of all time," surpassing the likes of Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra. His remarks were met with excitement from the panelists, including Donalds who held the phone during the call.

"It's truly amazing to see the increase in support from the Black and Hispanic communities since my mug shot was released," Trump exclaimed. "It's been a lovely thing to witness and I couldn't be more grateful."

The event also featured local business owners and community leaders, such as radio host Shelley Wynter and Helping Empower Youth co-founder Marc "KD" Boyd. However, not everyone was pleased with the participation of these panelists. Tara Setmayer, co-founder of The Seneca Project, called the discussion "offensive and embarrassing," while social media users expressed disappointment in the group's involvement.

One user, @laurieluvsmolly, pointed out the hypocrisy of some of the panelists, particularly Donalds and Hunt. Hunt was under investigation for allegedly misusing campaign funds, while Donalds had a previous run-in with the law. Despite this, Donalds introduced legislation to crack down on youth crime in DC.

The panelists also discussed various topics crucial to the upcoming election, including criticism of certain policies implemented by the Biden Administration. According to reports, the Trump campaign argued that Biden's economic policies have negatively affected the Black community, leading to what they call "Bidenflation."

During the call, Trump took the opportunity to tout his "No Tax on Tips" policy, which aims to exempt hospitality workers' tips from taxation. "I just came up with the idea of 'No Tax on Tips' - let the people earn what they earn," Trump proudly stated. "And let me tell you, it has been incredibly popular."

While the event may have had its share of controversies, one thing was clear - Trump's supporters, including the panelists, remained loyal and dedicated to his cause. As the highly anticipated debate between Trump and President Joe Biden drew near, the former President's message was loud and clear - he is determined to secure the White House once again.

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