Trump explains reason for odd red marks on his hand.

Trump had unexplained red marks on his hand before confronting his rape accuser in court.

January 19th 2024.

Trump explains reason for odd red marks on his hand.
As Donald Trump headed to Manhattan federal court on Wednesday morning for his defamation trial, many couldn't help but notice the mysterious red marks on his hand. His camp has now revealed the reason behind these marks, which were seen on his thumb, index finger, and palm as he waved to cameras.

Speculation began to spread online, with some suggesting anything from a fall to "hand herpes" or even ketchup stains from a fast food meal. However, as Trump emerged from his trial without the marks, more theories began to surface.

Sources close to the Trump campaign have now come forward with a different explanation, contradicting the various speculations. According to them, Trump had accidentally gotten a paper cut and smeared the blood around his hand.

This explanation was even different from the guesses made on a fake CNN segment by comedian Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. Fallon joked that Trump's "rash" could have been caused by grabbing a hotdog from 7-Eleven, touching a Bible, or even from holding his son's leash too tightly.

Another late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel, also had some fun with the situation, jokingly suggesting that the marks were a symptom of syphilis. He referenced Trump's past statement about avoiding STDs being his "personal Vietnam," saying that if he did have syphilis, the only Vietnam he avoided was the actual Vietnam War.

Meanwhile, Trump himself has remained quiet about the marks and their cause. On Thursday, he attended his wife Melania's mother's funeral in Florida and the marks were nowhere to be seen. And on Wednesday, he held a press conference after his trial without the marks as well.

It seems that the mystery of the red marks on Trump's hand has been solved, but not without some entertaining theories and jokes along the way.

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