Trump claims that he cannot be racist because he has many black friends.

Having many Black friends proves I'm not a racist, they would know and not be my friends if I were. They wouldn't stay with me for even two minutes.

June 16th 2024.

Trump claims that he cannot be racist because he has many black friends.
In a recent interview released on June 14, former President Donald Trump firmly stated that he does not believe he is a racist due to his extensive friendships with Black individuals. When questioned about concerns surrounding his potential racism, Trump confidently responded by highlighting the fact that he has many Black friends who would not associate with him if he held such views. He even went so far as to suggest that he can understand and relate to Black voters because he feels he has been discriminated against by the criminal justice system himself.

Trump's remarks come at a critical time as he and President Joe Biden both vie for the support of Black voters in the upcoming November election. While Biden currently leads in polls among Black voters, there has been a decline in support compared to the 2020 exit polls. Despite this, Trump remains confident in his ability to win over Black voters, citing his supposed accomplishments for the community.

This is not the first time Trump has touted his supposed popularity with Black voters. In 2020, he even claimed to have done more for the Black community than any other president aside from Abraham Lincoln. However, his past actions and statements have brought into question the validity of these claims, particularly his involvement in the infamous Central Park Five case in 1989 where he called for the execution of five wrongfully accused Black and Latino teenagers.

Despite this criticism, Trump remains steadfast in his belief that he has the support of Black voters and that his actions and policies have been beneficial for the community. However, his words and actions have been met with skepticism and criticism, particularly from figures like Charlamagne Tha God who have spoken out about the overstatement of Black support for Trump. Ultimately, it remains to be seen how the Black community will vote in the upcoming election and whether they will continue to support Trump based on his claims of friendship and support.

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