Trump claimed to have experienced a helicopter emergency, but the Mayor refutes this.

Trump told reporters about a helicopter emergency landing he experienced with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

August 9th 2024.

Trump claimed to have experienced a helicopter emergency, but the Mayor refutes this.
Former President Donald Trump sat down with a group of reporters on Thursday to share a story about a harrowing experience he had with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. The reporters, curious about Vice President Kamala Harris' past relationship with Brown and whether it affected her career, asked Trump about his thoughts on the matter. Trump, who claimed to know Brown "very well," proceeded to recount a story about an alleged helicopter emergency landing that they had both been involved in.

According to Trump, he and Brown were flying to a certain location together in a helicopter when something went wrong and the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. Trump described the experience as unpleasant and admitted that even Brown was a bit worried. Despite not having seen him in years, Trump claimed to know the former mayor quite well.

However, Brown quickly rejected Trump's account of the incident, calling it "obviously wrong" during a phone call with CNN. He denied ever being in a helicopter with Trump and accused the former president of trying to undermine Harris with his false story. Brown also stated that there was no reason for Trump to even mention Harris in relation to his lies.

When asked about Brown's response, Trump's campaign spokesman Steven Cheung simply replied, "Slick Willie!" This led to speculation that Trump may have confused Brown with former California Governor Jerry Brown, with whom he toured wildfire damage in 2018. A spokesperson for Jerry Brown also confirmed that there was no emergency landing or discussion of Harris during the helicopter tour.

Even current California Governor Gavin Newsom, who was also on the helicopter tour with Trump and Jerry Brown, called Trump's account "complete B.S." According to Newsom, Trump repeatedly brought up the possibility of the helicopter crashing during the tour. Right-wing media figures have previously attacked Harris for her past relationship with Brown, despite it being a public and consensual affair.

During the news conference, Trump also claimed that Willie Brown was "not a fan" of Harris and had said "terrible things" about her. However, Brown denied these claims and simply asked for a break from the constant attacks. It's clear that Trump's attempt to discredit Harris and Brown's relationship is nothing but baseless speculation and false accusations.

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