Trump and ex-admins want Biden to take drug test before debate, questioning his mental fitness.

Jackson implied that Biden was under the influence during the March 2024 State of the Union Address.

June 25th 2024.

Trump and ex-admins want Biden to take drug test before debate, questioning his mental fitness.
According to former President Donald Trump, the key to President Joe Biden's success in debates is the use of performance-enhancing drugs. In fact, Trump is so convinced of this that he is calling for Biden to take a drug test before their upcoming debate. He made his claims on his social media platform, Truth Social, just days before the first round of debates is set to take place in Atlanta on June 27.

Trump's post on June 24 was written in all caps, as he demanded, "Drug test for crooked Joe Biden??" He even went as far as to say that he would take a drug test himself if Biden agreed to do so. This kind of behavior is a classic tactic of a grade school bully, screaming for someone else to do something that they are not willing to do themselves. It raises a red flag, and it's safe to say that even if Biden did take the test, Trump would find some excuse to back out of his promise.

This idea was sparked by former White House physician and current representative, Ronny Jackson, who stated during an interview with Fox News that Biden should submit to a drug test before and after the debate. Jackson expressed his embarrassment at having to make such a request, but felt that he had no choice given the circumstances. He also added that he would be demanding on behalf of many concerned Americans that Biden take a drug test, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.

However, many people have also criticized Jackson's comments, pointing out that he was demoted by the Navy for running a pill farm in Trump's White House. Jules Morgan, a social media influencer, shared a tweet calling for Jackson to "sit this one out." Despite these criticisms, Jackson continued to push his narrative, claiming that Biden was "different" during the State of the Union Address in March and suggesting that he was "on something."

Jackson even went as far as to speculate that Biden may be receiving drugs while at Camp David, the presidential retreat, in late June to prepare for the debate. He stated, "I feel like this is probably what's going on over this week at Camp David. Part of that is probably experimenting with just getting the doses just right because they have to treat his cognition."

This narrative has been pushed by Trump and his allies for months, with Trump even challenging Biden to take a cognitive test during a rally in Detroit on June 15. According to Forbes, Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks echoed similar sentiments during a Fox Business interview, speaking on behalf of all GOP legislators and saying that they expect Biden to be "on something" during the debate.

In response to Jackson's comments, the Biden administration brushed them off, with White House spokesperson Andrew Bates stating that Republicans are intimidated by the country's leader. He added, "It's telling that Republican officials are unable to stop announcing how intimidated they remain by the President's State of the Union performance."

It's worth noting that during Biden's annual physical in February, medical professionals confirmed that he is "fit for duty" with no cause for concern. He also underwent a neurologic exam, which showed no signs of any central neurological disorder. However, it was revealed that Biden does suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a condition that causes pain and numbness in the feet.

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