Tricia Rose discusses 'Metaracism' and urges us to break away from it.

Tricia Rose discusses the issue of systemic racism in her book "Metaracism".

May 29th 2024.

Tricia Rose discusses 'Metaracism' and urges us to break away from it.
Dr. Tricia Rose, a renowned sociologist and author, recently sat down with BLACK ENTERPRISE to discuss her latest book, Metaracism: How Systemic Devastates Black Lives and How We Break Free, which was published on March 2. In a conversation with BE's Director of Digital Content, Ida Harris, Rose delved into the title of her new novel, its significance, and the impact she hopes to make with it.

"The title of my book, Metaracism, refers to the long-standing history of Black people trying to politely explain the specific forms of discrimination they face. It goes beyond just discrimination or classism, but rather, it is a system of anti-Black policies and practices," Rose explained. She began her research for the book without the intention of writing one, but her role as the director of the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America at Brown University led her to discover the hidden ways in which discrimination operates.

"As I delved deeper into my research, I realized that systemic racism is not just a term for society, but it is a way of understanding how various aspects of our lives are interconnected," Rose shared. "When a system perpetuates racism, these interconnections work together to create a greater impact than the sum of its parts. The longer this occurs, the more powerful it becomes. This is why it is not just a structural issue; it is a deeper, more complex problem that we are still trying to fully comprehend."

Rose went on to explain how these interconnections manifest in areas such as education and the criminal justice system, resulting in the school-to-prison pipeline that disproportionately affects Black students. When Harris asked about the role of social determinants in this system, Rose broke down how health and political leaders often downplay the role of racism in issues that impact Black communities.

"This is a dangerous myth that we see time and time again, especially in cases like Trayvon Martin's. It hides the reality that policies and practices have been working together over time to create a compound effect on health, education, and other areas of society," Rose stated.

Her book focuses on the post-Civil Rights era, challenging the notion that racism was eradicated after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s activism. By examining how systemic racism has persisted into the present day, Rose dismantles the narrative that suggests progress towards equity, when in reality, it denies the current experiences of Black Americans.

Through her book, Rose also sheds light on the underlying factors that contribute to cases of police brutality, such as the tragic death of Eric Garner. She hopes to provide a deeper understanding of how addressing systemic racism is crucial in comprehending these stories.

"Eric Garner's story cannot be told without acknowledging the larger, systemic issues at play. His story is not just about him, but it is connected to the experiences of everyone in his community," Rose explained. "We need to recognize how Garner's life and the actions of the police are a part of a larger, more impactful system. Even if he had not been brutally murdered that day, there was still a high likelihood that something else would have happened to him due to the long-term effects of social policies and practices."

Rose's previous books, such as The Hip Hop Wars and Black Noise, have also explored the Black American experience in accessible and thought-provoking ways. "Metaracism" is now available for purchase, offering a deeper understanding of systemic racism and its effects on Black lives.

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