Travis Kelce gets booed and trolled by Mavericks while sitting next to Patrick and Brittany Mahomes at Game 3.

Mavericks and fans poke fun at Travis Kelce, accompanied by Patrick Mahomes and their significant others, at Game 3 of Western Conference Finals.

May 27th 2024.

Travis Kelce gets booed and trolled by Mavericks while sitting next to Patrick and Brittany Mahomes at Game 3.
On a lively Sunday evening, the Dallas Mavericks and their devoted followers indulged in some playful antics, all in good fun and at the expense of Travis Kelce. The renowned tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs, who also happens to be the significant other of pop sensation Taylor Swift, was in attendance at Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals. Joining him were his teammate, the talented Patrick Mahomes, and his lovely wife Brittany Mahomes. It was quite the star-studded affair, with some of the biggest names in the sports and entertainment worlds coming together to support their respective teams.

As the game got underway, Kelce found himself at the center of attention, not just for his impressive skills on the field, but also for his famous relationship. The Mavericks and their fans couldn't resist poking a little fun at the situation, playfully teasing Kelce about his famous girlfriend. But the tight end took it all in stride, laughing and joking along with everyone else. It was all in good fun, and Kelce seemed to be enjoying the lighthearted banter.

Of course, Kelce wasn't the only one in the spotlight. His teammate Mahomes, who is also known for his high-profile relationship with Brittany, was also getting plenty of attention. The couple looked happy and in love as they cheered on their team, adding to the excitement and energy of the game. It was a rare opportunity to see these famous couples together, and it certainly added to the excitement of the evening.

As the game progressed, both Kelce and Mahomes showed off their impressive skills on the court, reminding everyone why they are such highly regarded players in the NFL. And while the Mavericks ultimately came out on top, it was clear that everyone in attendance had a great time, including Kelce and his famous entourage. It was a night of sports, entertainment, and good-natured teasing, a perfect combination for a fun and memorable evening.

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