Training session to enhance the capabilities of FPOs (Farmer Producer Organizations)

Nirman organized a consultation in Bhubaneswar to discuss promoting FPOs for sustainable growth and market integration, with participation from over 25 organizations.

September 26th 2024.

Training session to enhance the capabilities of FPOs (Farmer Producer Organizations)
A meeting was held at a hotel in Bhubaneswar on Wednesday to discuss how to strengthen Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) for long-term success and integration into the market. The event, organized by Nirman, brought together more than 25 organizations, including Pradan, Harsha Trust, Tata Steel Foundation, and GIZ. The goal was to address the challenges and opportunities in promoting FPOs.

The executive director of Nirman, Prasant Mohanty, and state programme officer Arunima Swain were joined by OUAT extension education dean PJ Mishra and joint director Sarbani Das for the inaugural event. In his speech, Mohanty highlighted the difficulties faced by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in supporting FPOs. He emphasized the importance of this platform as an opportunity to learn from each other's experiences.

Swain, on the other hand, stressed the need for collaboration between the government, private sector, and CSOs to ensure the sustainability of FPOs. She pointed out that many FPOs struggle due to limited financial resources and other constraints.

The discussion continued as participants shared their insights and ideas on how to strengthen FPOs. The importance of effective collaboration and support from all stakeholders was reiterated. The meeting also served as a platform for networking and building partnerships among the organizations present.

As the consultation came to an end, it was clear that there is a strong determination to work together towards promoting and sustaining FPOs. All the participants left with a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved, and a renewed commitment to supporting FPOs for the betterment of farmers and the agricultural industry as a whole.

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