Track your friends and family during the London Marathon 2023 using the live tracker app.

Monitor your friends and family to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

April 22nd 2023.

Track your friends and family during the London Marathon 2023 using the live tracker app.

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This Sunday, thousands of runners will be taking to the streets of London for the London Marathon! Whether you're running for fitness or charity, with the Official TCS London Marathon App, everyone can stay connected and keep track of their loved ones. You can download the app now from the Apple App Store and Google Play, and use it to follow participants, whether it's an elite athlete or a charity fundraiser, by searching for their name or bib number. With the app, you can stay up to date on the latest London news and track the progress of your favorite runners throughout the day, allowing you to stay connected with the race no matter where you are!

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This weekend, thousands of runners will be hitting the streets of London for the London Marathon. With the Official TCS London Marathon App, those at home can easily follow their loved ones throughout the race. The app can be downloaded via the Apple App Store and Google Play. For the best tracking experience, the 2023 edition should be installed - those with the 2022 edition should delete it from their device. With the app, users can track an unlimited number of runners and keep up with the progress of their chosen participants. So, make sure to download the app now and get ready to cheer on your loved ones this weekend!

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