Top 10 video games played in 2024 according to a reader's feature.

Reader acknowledges they can't stay updated on all new releases and shares their top games of the year, with the oldest being from 2015.

December 28th 2024.

Top 10 video games played in 2024 according to a reader's feature.
As a reader, I have come to accept that it is impossible to keep up with the constant stream of new game releases every year. Therefore, for the past decade, I have found contentment in being a few years behind the latest gaming trends.

This approach not only saves me money, but also allows me to experience games in their best form, with all bugs fixed and DLC available. The only downside is that I am unable to participate in discussions or polls about the best games of the year. So, instead, I would like to share with you my top 10 games that I have played this year.

At number 10, we have Tactical Breach Wizards, a turn-based tactical game that was released in 2024. Despite being one of only three games from that year that I played, it quickly became one of my favorites. With its strategic gameplay, witty script, and memorable characters, this game is a steal at less than £15 on Steam.

Coming in at number 9 is Super Mario Bros. Wonder. As a fan of Nintendo and 2D platformers, I was not disappointed by the precise controls and imaginative levels of this game. While I still prefer Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, this is a must-play for any fan of the genre.

Next up at number 8 is Cyberpunk 2077. I initially avoided this game due to its infamous launch, but with most of the bugs fixed and DLC now available, I decided to give it a try. Despite some minor issues, the detailed game world, excellent combat, and well-written main and side missions make it easy to overlook any flaws and get lost in the city of Night City.

Taking the 7th spot is Sifu, a game built around a satisfying combat system and a unique mechanic where your character ages with every death. While it can be challenging at times, the quality of gameplay makes it worth the effort. The only downsides are the occasionally obstructive camera and a difficulty spike with the final boss.

At number 6, we have Balatro, a deck-building roguelike that incorporates poker hands to beat a set score. With the ability to level up hands and add powers to cards, the game offers endless possibilities and addictive gameplay. While it may not have the same level of variety as Slay The Spire, it is still a must-try for any fan of the genre.

Frostpunk takes the 5th spot with its combination of city building and moral decision-making. While it may not offer much replay value, it is still one of the best games in its genre.

At number 4, we have Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. As a fan of the series, I was disappointed by the previous entry and it took me almost a decade to finally play this game. I am glad I did because it offers a less linear experience and arguably the most satisfying playground to explore. It's a shame we may never see another Kojima-led Metal Gear game.

Taking the bronze medal is Marvel's Midnight Suns, a game that combines turn-based combat, deck-building, and a Persona-style friendship system. Despite its poor sales, it is an excellent game that deserved more recognition.

In second place is Returnal, a game with incredibly satisfying shooting and movement mechanics. While some runs may be too long and the difficulty high, it is a must-play for fans of roguelikes.

And finally, my number one game of the year is Baldur's Gate 3. As a big fan of Divinity: Original Sin 2, I was excited to see how this game would measure up. And it did not disappoint. With its complex mechanics and systems, it offers a depth and freedom that is unmatched by any other game.

Some other games that almost made it into my top 10 were Stardew Valley, Hitman: Season 2, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Life Is Strange: True Colors, Tunic, and Stacklands.

I would also like to give an honorable mention to the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring. While it may offer more of the same, it is still a fantastic addition to an already amazing game.

In conclusion, I may not be able to keep up with every new release, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy some incredible games. And with the announcement of new consoles like the Steam Deck, I am excited to see what the future holds for gaming.

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