Top 10 video game innovations according to my opinion.

This article praises the gaming industry and discusses the joys of VR and social gaming in a positive light.

September 22nd 2024.

Top 10 video game innovations according to my opinion.
Virtual reality, or VR, has been a major breakthrough in the world of technology. In a recent Reader’s Feature, we take a positive look at the gaming industry and discuss the joys of VR and social gaming. As someone who has been involved in gaming since the days of 2-bit graphics, I have witnessed the evolution of video games from its humble beginnings to the advanced technology we have today. However, I must admit that there are still some aspects that I have yet to experience.

As a late adopter of last gen consoles, I have not been impressed enough to invest in the current generation. But that does not mean I am not excited for the future of gaming. I do not blame Sony for releasing the PS5 Pro as it is simply an option for those who choose to upgrade. My first PlayStation in the ‘90s changed my perspective on gaming, as it became a positive medium that gained mainstream recognition. It was a significant advancement in the digital world.

As gamers, we often criticize big gaming companies, holding them accountable for their actions whether they intended it or not. But in this feature, I choose to focus on the positive aspects of gaming. So, without further ado, here are my top 10 gaming experiences that have amazed me.

1: The shoulder buttons on the SNES joypad. It may seem like a small detail, but these buttons have become essential to my gaming experience. Sony and Microsoft have also adopted and expanded on this concept, giving us four shoulder buttons. The Z-trigger, which I will address later, is also a noteworthy addition.

2: Rumble. When Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64 was released with the option of ‘feedback’, I was initially skeptical. But I soon realized the potential it had for enhancing the gaming experience. Today, rumble has become a standard feature, but thankfully it is still optional.

3: Analogue sticks. This was a game-changer in the world of gaming, taking us into the world of 3D and breaking the barrier of 2D gaming. Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time was a defining moment for me.

4: Frame rate. This is a topic that often divides gamers, with some preferring 60 frames per second (fps) while others are satisfied with 30fps. For me, it was the Dreamcast that introduced me to the smooth and seamless gameplay of 60fps. Playing Sonic Adventure for hours on end left me feeling a bit woozy, but it opened my eyes to the potential of gaming.

5: Touchscreen. We often take this feature for granted now, but I must give credit to Nintendo for being the pioneers of tactile gaming. The DS was a game-changer in terms of hardware design, and although it spawned many subpar games, there were some true gems that stood out.

6: VR. This may be a contentious topic for some, but I believe that anyone who tries VR for the first time will be amazed by the level of immersion it provides. My first VR experience was with Moss, followed by the Star Wars game and Astro Bot: Rescue Mission. Despite its flaws and limitations, VR left me in awe. I have yet to complete Resident Evil 7 because it terrifies me!

7: Good Games. This may seem like an obvious point, but it is worth mentioning. Games like Zelda, Bioshock, Splinter Cell, and Katamari have all pushed the boundaries and challenged traditional gaming conventions. While many are eagerly anticipating the release of GTA 6, let us not forget the brilliance of GTA: Chinatown Wars.

8: The ‘Start’ option. This may seem like a small detail, but to me, it holds a lot of nostalgia. Pressing the ‘Start’ button was a magical moment, and although it is now just another button on the controller, it still holds a special place in my heart.

9: Trigger Button. Once again, I must give credit to Nintendo for introducing the ‘Z’ button. Back in the days of GoldenEye 007, I used it as my aiming reticule while using the flat buttons to fire. It may have been a temporary trend, but it was a unique and enjoyable experience. The ‘Z-trigger’ has now evolved into the opposing trigger button, adding a new level of gameplay.

10: The social aspect. Gaming used to be considered a niche hobby, but thanks to the Wii, that stereotype has been broken. I have had some of the best gaming experiences with my friends and family, both gamers and non-gamers alike. The social aspect of gaming has also connected me with amazing people from all over the world through online servers on Xbox and PlayStation.

So, these are my top 10 gaming experiences that have left a lasting impression on me. Maybe I am looking at it with rose-tinted glasses, but this is my opinion on the state of gaming today. To all the gamers out there, keep pressing ‘Start’ and enjoy the journey.

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