Top 10 cities with longest commute times.

10 cities with longest commute times: 6 on East Coast, others in California.

January 28th 2024.

Top 10 cities with longest commute times.
Do you dread sitting in traffic during your daily commute to work? If so, you may want to avoid certain cities on the East Coast and in California. According to Business Insider, six out of the top 10 cities with the longest commute times are located along the East Coast, while the remaining four are in California. This information is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, and it shows that commuters in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, typically spend 36.2 minutes traveling to work, one way.

Unsurprisingly, New York City ranks closely behind East Stroudsburg, with commuters in the New York-Newark-Jersey City area spending just under 36 minutes on their daily commute. Stockton, California, follows closely behind at 33.9 minutes. Other cities on the list include Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, California (32.6 minutes), Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Virginia-Maryland-West Virginia (32.3 minutes), and Yuba City, California (also at 32.3 minutes).

Rounding out the top 10 are Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, New York (32.1 minutes), Vallejo, California (31.5 minutes), Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, Georgia (30.9 minutes), and Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut (30.8 minutes). Interestingly, there are several other cities where commuters can expect a 30-minute commute to work, such as Chicago, Illinois, Naperville-Elgin, Illinois, San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, California, Boston-Cambridge-Newton, Massachusetts, and Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, Texas.

On the other hand, the city with the shortest commute time is Great Falls, Montana, where the average travel time to work is just 15.4 minutes. In Lewiston, Idaho, commuters can expect to arrive in 16 minutes, while those living in Manhattan, Kansas, and Casper, Wyoming, can get to their jobs in 16.2 minutes.

The article also mentions a November 2023 Gallup poll which found that 27% of workers do their jobs remotely, while 52% use a hybrid model of both remote work and going into the office. This information highlights the changing landscape of work and the increasing popularity of remote work options.

In related news, a recent law in California requires police officers to disclose the reason for a traffic stop, in an effort to address concerns of racial profiling. This is an important step towards creating a fair and just society for all individuals.

In conclusion, these 10 cities have the longest commute times, making them less than ideal for those who want to avoid spending a significant amount of time in traffic each day. With the rise of remote work options, it will be interesting to see how these rankings may change in the future.

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