Tom's future is doomed after three Emmerdale veterans team up to reveal his true nature.

These three are serious and determined!

June 28th 2024.

Tom's future is doomed after three Emmerdale veterans team up to reveal his true nature.
It seems that Tom's tyrannical rule may finally be coming to a close in the world of Emmerdale. After months of relentlessly abusing his wife Belle Dingle, it appears that Tom King is about to face the consequences of his actions.

Just last week, viewers were shocked to see Tom end up in the hospital after being electrocuted in a fit of rage upon discovering that Belle had supposedly miscarried their child. Little did he know, she had actually terminated the pregnancy.

Belle had been planning to escape to Scotland to visit her father Zak and cousin Debbie, as she had become aware of the abuse she was facing. However, the accident in the barn prevented her from going through with her plan, especially when Jimmy King arrived with Tom in a wheelchair.

Once Jimmy left, Tom once again turned his attention to Belle's mental health, ignoring his own condition and pushing for an early discharge. He was determined to manipulate her emotions once again, even after she had confided in him about her supposed miscarriage.

Charity Dingle, Belle's concerned family member, stopped by to check on Tom and he ended up blurting out the truth about losing the baby, adding that Belle felt ashamed. Belle remained silent, leaving Charity heartbroken.

Later, Charity spoke to her son Noah about her suspicions regarding Tom, insisting that no one could be as perfect as he made himself out to be. She was convinced that there was something more sinister at play.

Back at Dale Head, Tom pushed Belle to her breaking point and she finally confessed that she had an abortion. This caused Tom to launch into a verbal attack, savoring every moment of her self-hatred. In tonight's episode, he even tried to play the role of a loving husband by making her breakfast.

After the couple went to the cafe, Charity caught up with them once again and asked Belle if they could have some alone time to discuss her loss. Tom, on the other hand, was insistent that they couldn't make it due to a lunch date with Jimmy and Nicola King. But Charity remained persistent.

When they returned home, Tom criticized Belle's appearance and told her to brush her hair. As soon as she went upstairs, he shocked her by revealing that he didn't actually need the wheelchair at all. He then threw himself on the floor in a dramatic display.

It seems that the electric shock had left Tom "requiring" a wheelchair. But the question remains, will Belle open up and finally seek help?

Feeling unable to leave Tom alone, Belle declined Charity's invitation to go out and instead, Charity went to speak with family members Lydia and Chas Dingle about the situation. The three women all agreed that there must be more to Tom than meets the eye and they promised to step in and help Belle if needed.

Could this finally be the end of Tom's reign of terror? Only time will tell. As always, we'll keep you updated on all the latest soap news and spoilers. Stay tuned and don't forget to join the community by leaving a comment and checking out our homepage for more updates.

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