Today's horoscope for Nov 26, 2023: Astrological predictions based on your star sign.

Have a crush? Ready to take the plunge? Today might be the day.

November 26th 2023.

Today's horoscope for Nov 26, 2023: Astrological predictions based on your star sign.
Do you want to know what your stars have in store for you? Today is your lucky day! The moon is representing our inner world – our emotional side, our deepest feelings, and our intuition. It's no wonder then that today the signs are being drawn to change.

Let's start with Aries. Today's Taurus moon is calling them to be kinder to themselves and to fix any issue that has been bothering them. For Taurus, it's time to really figure out what they want next.

For those of us who are Aries, today is a call to invest in some pampering or treating yourself in another way. With Venus forming an awkward aspect to Uranus, you might want to try something different. A new restaurant or unique recipes could be a great experience.

Taurus, you may be presented with a bold opportunity that comes to a head. With the Moon in your sign angling towards Pluto, you'll be able to get to the bottom of what has been bothering you and find a solution. A new start could be on its way and a tie between Venus and Uranus could spark an instant attraction.

Gemini, today's Taurus moon in a secluded sector could be your chance to enjoy some me-time and get your bearings. With dynamic energies in your relationship zone, you may even find new friends and potential collaborations. Take a pause to really figure out what you want, as the coming weeks are full of possibilities.

Cancer, the Moon/Pluto link may cause a stir in a partnership or romance and reach a critical point. But with this being a harmonious aspect, whatever decisions you make could be successful for both of you. A new confidence and sense of freedom can come from these discussions.

Leo, you may be delighted by an offer that comes your way. Taking this up could open new doors for you. Venus is forming a unique tie to Uranus, so you might be inspired by a dream to travel or learn new skills.

Virgo, anything linked to the home and your roots can be key today. A decision to move, expand your family, or explore your ancestry can bring new possibilities and opportunities.

Libra, with potent lunar ties encouraging a shift, the coming days and weeks could be full of interesting developments. If you've been considering launching a project or small business, now is the time. You may even find yourself ready to make the first move with someone you've been interested in.

Scorpio, dynamic energies suggest finances may be about to change for the better. Stay alert for opportunities to enhance your income and make the most of your talents. Someone you know could help you make the most of your options.

Sagittarius, the Sun and Mars are encouraging you to venture into the unknown and explore fresh options. Today's Venus/Uranus angle could be a call to try something different. Joining a group could be very fruitful.

Capricorn, spiritual topics and activities may be strongly on your mind. Embracing opportunities that reduce stress and enhance your wellbeing could be key. You may even have an engaging conversation with someone that opens a new door for you.

Aquarius, lively energies are setting the stage for a new beginning. Reaching out and networking with key people could be especially exciting. You may even find yourself striding ahead in a new direction and bringing a dream to life.

Finally, Pisces, the Sun and Mars are in a prominent sector and you could be offered an opportunity that sets a new course. A decision can lead to a group project that's deeply rewarding.

To get the full picture of what your stars have in store for you, why not check out your unique personal horoscope based on your time, date and place of birth? Visit for more information. And don't forget to check our dedicated horoscopes page every morning, seven days a week for your daily horoscope.

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