Today's horoscope for July 17, 2023: What's in the stars for you?

New Moon brings focus to comfort & home life.

July 16th 2023.

Today's horoscope for July 17, 2023: What's in the stars for you?
Are you wondering what it means to be at home today? With a New Moon in Cancer, all signs are feeling a strong desire to focus on their home and family. Plus, Gemini is taking back control of money matters and Sagittarius needs to be mindful of their spending. Scorpio and Virgo may be lacking motivation, so a pep talk could help.

The horoscopes for July 17, 2023 are here for all the star signs. Read on for your full forecast.

Aries, with a New Moon in your home zone and a connection to Uranus, you might be tempted to rebel against your responsibilities and take some time for yourself. This is a great day to arrange more free time.

Taurus, use today's powerful lunar phase to get going on your plans, especially if they involve writing, social media, or negotiation. You can also use this opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.

Gemini, you may have more power to influence your financial situation than it seems. With Mercury in Leo, you'll be able to show off your natural savvy.

Cancer, this is a day for new beginnings. With the New Moon in your sign, it's time to get started on a plan that is close to your heart. If you want to start new habits, make a start today.

Leo, with the New Moon, you may need to shift your perspective and look at your deepest thoughts and feelings. Things that were out of reach might become more available.

Virgo, if you need motivation, a friendly chat could be just the thing. With the New Moon in your social sector, it's a great day to join up with kindred spirits.

Libra, take your ambitions seriously. Something could shift today that enables you to confidently embrace a path that you have been unwilling to attempt.

Scorpio, the New Moon is calling you to move past your limits and do something you've been putting off. Give yourself a pep talk and dive in!

Sagittarius, it might be wiser to give yourself some leeway today. You may have unexpected bills or expenses, but this is a great day to consider a reshuffle that allows your money to work harder for you.

Capricorn, the New Moon brings the chance of a fresh start in a key relationship. It might be hard to reach an agreement about something important, but this will be easier next week.

Aquarius, if you're ready to give your schedule a makeover, today is the perfect day. With Mercury in Leo, you can add warmth and passion to a developing romance.

Pisces, the New Moon is encouraging you to express yourself in the most authentic way possible. Don't shy away from opportunities to showcase your work, as others will be impressed.

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