Today's horoscope for Jan 3, 2024: Discover what the stars say about your zodiac sign.

Trust your instincts.

January 3rd 2024.

Today's horoscope for Jan 3, 2024: Discover what the stars say about your zodiac sign.
Welcome to your daily horoscope for Wednesday January 3, 2024! With the sun in Capricorn, it's time to review our plans and goals for the year ahead.

March 21 to April 20
Today is a great day to focus on yourself, Aries. While the Venus/Jupiter tie hints at good times ahead, it's a perfect time to go out and enjoy a few new experiences. In addition, this upbeat angle involves your shopping zone, so you could find some great bargains if you take the time to look.

April 21 to May 21
It's time to celebrate, Taurus! The delightful Venus/Jupiter link paves the way for a positive and uplifting day. If you've been putting something off, take the time to enjoy it today. A friend may have the right words to help boost your confidence and urge you on to achieving something big.

May 22 to June 21
Listen to your intuition today, Gemini. Unwind and take some time away from your tasks and responsibilities. This could help to replenish your energy levels and give you a natural sparkle. Additionally, you may be in demand, so make sure you take some time to pamper yourself or go for a spa session with a friend.

June 22 to July 23
Today is a great day for your dreams to come true, Cancer. Your intuition is spot-on and you could uncover a short-cut to making a dream come true. You'll also be ready for opportunities that highlight your creative side or inspire you to learn a skill. Make a start today and you'll benefit greatly.

July 24 to August 23
The cosmos is giving you a golden opportunity today, Leo. If you've been working towards something, it may come to fruition today. Plus, a creative project could appeal, and if it helps to further the growth of a latent skill, then even better. Take advantage of this chance and you won't regret it.

August 24 to September 23
Trust your gut today, Virgo. The chance to make a dream come true could be presented to you, so make sure you don't turn it down. This chance may not come around again too soon, so make sure you snap it up quickly. You never know where it could lead!

September 24 to October 23
You may get help from the cosmos today that boosts your resolve regarding a project that could lead to fresh developments. Someone's recommendation could be just what you need to secure a golden opportunity. Take the chance and be willing to explore new options.

October 24 to November 22
Today is a great day for nurturing relationships, Scorpio. With Venus and Jupiter encouraging warmth and sharing, you may be able to secure a deal or gain an opportunity with the help of a friend. Take the time to get to know them better and you won't regret it.

November 23 to December 21
The cosmos is giving you a perfect opportunity to take advantage of a promising relationship, Sagittarius. It could be a one-off encounter, but if things go well, you may decide to swap contact details and keep in touch. Don't miss out on this chance and you'll be delighted with the way things pan out.

December 22 to January 21
Today is a great day for relationships, Capricorn. With Venus and Jupiter encouraging warmth and sharing, you may find yourself in the company of someone who may help you secure a deal or gain an opportunity. Don't miss out on this chance and you'll be glad you took it.

January 22 to February 19
Today is a great day for socializing, Aquarius. With Venus in your social sector, it's a great day for having people back to your place or going out to an event. You'll be delighted with the way things pan out and you may find yourself with a few new opportunities.

February 20 to March 20
Today is a great day for a financial windfall, Pisces. If you play your cards right, the coming days can be a stepping-stone to developments that provide growth and security. Even if you have no experience of what's being asked of you, don't be afraid to take a risk and have a go.

Remember to check out our dedicated horoscopes page for more information on your daily forecast. To order your unique personal horoscope based on your time, date and place of birth, visit

For more tarot and horoscope readings, head to our page. You can also find your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of January 2024 and a tarot horoscope reading for January 1 to January 7.

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