To secure victory, Kamala Harris must take a surprising action.

Let me provide an explanation before anyone gets upset.

July 22nd 2024.

To secure victory, Kamala Harris must take a surprising action.
It's no secret that Joe Biden has given his full support to his capable Vice President, Kamala Harris, and I truly believe that she is the perfect candidate for the top position. In the world of politics, sometimes unconventional strategies are the key to success. I saw this firsthand while working on the Remain campaign in 2016. Our opponents on the Leave side used a populist approach that tapped into widespread dissatisfaction with the political establishment, and against all odds, they emerged victorious.

That same year, we witnessed the Trump campaign in the US defying traditional political norms with their bombastic and divisive rhetoric. They rejected mainstream campaigning and fully embraced social media with a raw and unfiltered style that resonated with many Americans who felt alienated by the political establishment. Since then, we've seen similar trends in other countries like France, Ireland, and Canada.

As we come to terms with President Biden's decision to prioritize his country and step down from his role yesterday, we must also remember that the 2024 presidential election is just 15 weeks away. The Democratic Party still faces the daunting task of defeating Donald Trump and defying the odds. Thankfully, Biden has thrown his support behind Kamala Harris, who I believe is the right person for the job. However, in order to succeed in this political climate, she will need to think outside the box and defy conventions.

I propose a bold and unprecedented move – selecting a Republican as her vice-presidential candidate. I know this may seem shocking, but hear me out. Kamala Harris is undoubtedly capable, and who better to take on a convicted criminal than a former prosecutor? However, we cannot underestimate Trump, especially after his revitalized campaign since the assassination attempt on him. Furthermore, campaigning to elect the first Black woman as president is sure to uncover deep divisions within the country.

The truth is, extremism has taken over rational discourse and public trust in America. Issues like immigration, abortion, and climate change have been weaponized, causing deep divisions within the country. We must counter this by any means necessary, and that includes doing everything in our power to ensure Kamala Harris wins the election. In this political climate, having a respected Republican as her running mate would send a clear message of unity and bipartisanship in a country that is increasingly divided.

Not only would this appeal to voters who are tired of extreme partisanship and seek a government that prioritizes the nation's well-being over party loyalty, but it would also strengthen the chances of victory. More importantly, it would strengthen democracy and potentially put an end to the polarizing and gridlocked state of politics that we have been experiencing for far too long.

I understand that some Democrats may view this as a compromise of their values, particularly those on the left. However, I am confident that they would still support the ticket to avoid another Trump presidency. After all, even prominent Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren wholeheartedly backed Biden in the last election, understanding the high stakes at hand.

President Biden has made it clear that he prioritizes his country above all else, and has stepped down to make way for Kamala Harris. Now, the question is, who should she choose as her running mate? I believe that Cindy McCain, the widow of Senator and former presidential candidate John McCain, would be an excellent choice. Her endorsement of Biden in the last election demonstrated her commitment to putting country over party. As Vice President, she could attract centrist Republicans and independents who admire her late husband's legacy and dedication to national unity.

Another strong contender is Mitt Romney, the former governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee. His experience in the legislative branch and willingness to collaborate on cross-party issues make him an ideal candidate for fostering unity. As governor of Massachusetts, he implemented a state healthcare reform plan that served as a model for the Affordable Care Act. He also voted to convict Trump during both impeachment trials, and his presence on the ticket could facilitate meaningful dialogue and cooperation between the two parties on crucial issues like healthcare, climate change, and inequality.

Moreover, strategically speaking, having a white man as the vice-presidential candidate may alleviate any discomfort some may still feel towards electing a Black woman as president. The stakes of the 2024 election are too high to let anything, especially party politics, overshadow the greatest threat to American democracy since its conception. The Democrats must build a coalition that transcends party lines and appeals to the broadest electorate possible.

There is no doubt in my mind that Kamala Harris will serve her country faithfully, but these unprecedented challenges require unprecedented solutions. By choosing a Republican as her running mate, she has the opportunity to unite the nation in a time of deep division and ensure Donald Trump's defeat. Do you have a story you'd like to share? Let us know by emailing us at Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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