Tipping is complicated, with no clear answer.

Eight states have abolished tipped minimum wage; One Fair Wage is advocating for employers to pay minimum wage + tips.

September 4th 2023.

Tipping is complicated, with no clear answer.
Tipping has become a contentious topic in recent years, with customers feeling unsure and even pressured to tip in certain circumstances. Carly Cullen, a New York resident, told CNN, “It’s tricky everywhere. If you’re at a coffee shop, if you’re out at the hairstylist, if you’re coming out of a taxi—I don’t know the rules then, and I often don’t know what to tip.”

A joint study by the University of Temple and Purdue University found that when presented with a screen asking for a tip, participants experienced more negative emotions than those who were not. Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant industry, as a trade-off for the typically low, sub-minimum hourly rates. This trend has now extended to other sectors like coffee shops or pizza parlors, which can increase the pressure to tip when other customers or employees are watching.

In eight states, the tipped minimum wage has been eliminated. A group called One Fair Wage is pushing for businesses to pay the state’s minimum wage plus tips. However, business owners are concerned with their bottom line, and argue that low minimum wage plus tips helps keep costs down. Emily Mingrone, owner of a butcher shop and two restaurants in New Haven, Connecticut, said to CNN, “I’m against it, and I think frankly it’s kind of clueless.” She went on to explain, “That’s money that’s going to come out of my pocket, take away from the people that aren’t getting tipped. I would need to raise my prices, which then causes pushback from the guest.”

Workers are equally worried that the growing push for tips from businesses could end up hurting them. Destiny Fox, a restaurant worker at two establishments in Chicago, stated that she is against eliminating the tipped wages minimum wage out of a fear that it could erode good customer service. “It would damage the city big time. It would push business out of the city, push people out of the city, customers even. I don’t think they would be coming to restaurants if they don’t get the service that they’re used to. I don’t think it’s a good idea at all.”

Tipping has become a point of contention in recent years, with customers feeling confused and pressured to tip in certain scenarios. Business owners, workers, and customers all have valid concerns about the implications of tipping, or a lack thereof. Ultimately, it seems like the debate is far from being resolved.

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