Three people, two men and a teenager, tragically perished when their car left the road and burst into flames.

Three people in car died instantly: 18, 30, 16 y/o.

April 19th 2023.

Three people, two men and a teenager, tragically perished when their car left the road and burst into flames.

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Tragically, three people have lost their lives in a car crash near the village of St Ive in Cornwall. Police were called to the A390 at 11.50pm last night and the three occupants aged 18, 30 and 16, were pronounced dead at the scene. Four Liskeard teenagers, two boys and two girls, have been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and remain in custody. Furthermore, a second vehicle has been seized in connection with the incident.

Sgt Tina Green from the Bodmin Serious Collision Investigation Team expressed her condolences for the families affected, and stated that there will be an increased police presence in the area of the collision and in the wider Liskeard area. She also asked anyone with information or dash-cam footage to report it to the police, and urged people not to speculate as to the circumstances of the crash.

If you have any information that may assist the investigation, please contact the police on 101 or report it online here quoting reference 50230120322.

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