Thousands of people experience loss of power on Christmas Eve due to wild turkey.

Thousands in Sacramento CA left without power on Christmas Eve due to wild turkey.

December 25th 2023.

Thousands of people experience loss of power on Christmas Eve due to wild turkey.
It was the turkey who almost stole Christmas! On Christmas Eve, a wild turkey trotted on power lines in Sacramento, California, leaving more than 4,000 customers without electricity for almost an hour.

A spokesperson for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District told The Sacramento Bee that crews were working to repair the power lines quickly and safely. Around 12.15pm, the Greenhaven and Little Pocket neighborhoods were without electricity. The utility district also directed customers to their outage page, which had been recently updated.

The South Land Park Neighborhood Association dedicated to protecting and improving life for 14,000 residents wrote on X : ‘The power is out in parts of South Land Park. It’s been off and on and off again. Fingers crossed this doesn’t ruin holiday meals and festivities!’

Wild turkeys have become increasingly common across California, especially in the Sacramento area. They have caused all sorts of problems, from breaking into businesses and residences to terrorizing mail carriers and Amazon delivery drivers.

But the wild turkey wasn't the only animal to disturb the holidays this year. In Hutto, Texas, the police department warned of cottontail bunnies that bite through holiday light decorations. They wrote on Facebook that the bunnies had been committing acts of vandalism while ‘besmirching the reputation of our local youth’.

It is unknown what became of the wild turkey that almost stole Christmas Eve, but it is certain that it will not be the last animal to disrupt our holidays.

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