This year, not many diamonds have made it to the Panna office.

August 18th 2023.

This year, not many diamonds have made it to the Panna office.
Last year, many in Panna district were lucky enough to find diamonds while walking along roads or in jungles during monsoon season. While in August of 2022, 57 diamonds were deposited at the Panna Diamond Office, this month only 9 diamonds were found.

A senior officer at the Panna Diamond Office told Free Press that the lower rainfall in the district was a major factor in the lack of diamonds. Rainwater washes away the mud and reveals the diamonds hidden beneath; with less rain, this process was affected and diamonds failed to reach the surface. Anupam Singh, diamond examiner of the office, also told Free Press that the decreased rainfall was a major factor in diamond excavation.

Another reason for the low number of diamonds is that many people choose to sell the stones in the black market for instant money, instead of waiting months for the periodic auctions at the diamond office. This is made even easier by the fact that the diamond office has very little staff, with only four people - a diamond examiner, a clerk, and two constables - assigned to look after 20 sectors of the diamond mine area.

Finally, the licence of the diamond mines was given late this year, and this may also be a contributing factor to the low number of diamonds mined thus far.

It is clear that there are several reasons behind the low number of diamonds at the Panna Diamond Office this month, and these factors will need to be addressed if the number is to rise.

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