This week's tarot horoscope reveals what the future holds. Check it out Nov 27-Dec 3!

Prepare for a fresh start!

November 26th 2023.

This week's tarot horoscope reveals what the future holds. Check it out Nov 27-Dec 3!
September 24 to October 23
Time to move on
Tarot card for Libra for this week: The Magician
Meaning: The Magician is a card of action, so this Full Moon you are ready to move on from something which you’ve been dragging your feet about. It’s time to take that next step and move forward.
You’ve got a plan, you know what the outcome will be, and you have the tools at your disposal to make this happen.
You’ve worked hard to get to this point, so don’t be afraid to take the next step, trust your gut, and call on the power of the Magician to move forward with confidence and conviction.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

Get ready for a new week! This Full Moon in Gemini brings with it a sparky energy that encourages you to open your mind and your perspective. Creativity and ideation are likely, so it's a great time to take in new stimulus and ideas. To get the most out of this week, the Tarot can help you uncover the mind-opening epiphany that awaits you.

Aries (March 21 to April 20) should look out for big developments in their future. The Tarot card for Aries this week is the Ace of Coins, which suggests that they should research a new long-term project related to their career, wealth, health, or home. This could be something that takes an entire year to achieve, but when it comes to fruition, it will change the game.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) should look out for Water signs, as the Ace of Cups suggests that they are open to new friendships, romance, family ties, and connections. This Full Moon is the perfect time to start instigating these alternative, interesting, and brand new connections.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21) should dream big this week. The Wheel of Fortune card asks them to reinvent whatever they wish in their life. This is their chance to explore their imagination and manifest something in real life.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23) should trust their gut this week. The Eight of Cups suggests that they should pinpoint what is secretly letting them down right now, and be open to the new daydreams that will come to replace it.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) should think about where they want to go this week. The King of Wands is an open invitation to go on an adventure, with travel very likely. They should make some magical ideas come to life in their imagination and then consider and research how to make this a reality.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) should broaden their perspective on a problem that they’ve been catastrophising and overthinking. The Nine of Swords asks them to express it, talk about it, and see it from a wider angle.

Libra (September 24 to October 23) should move on from something they’ve been dragging their feet about. The Magician is a card of action, so this is the time to take the next step and move forward with confidence and conviction.
September 24 to October 23
Bring yourself back into balance
Tarot card for Libra for this week: The Star
Meaning: This Full Moon, focus on bringing yourself back into balance. You’re trying to juggle a lot at the moment and that’s ok, but you need to make sure you’re taking time out to be with yourself, relax, and stay connected to your inner peace and the universe.
The Star shines a light on this for you. Rejuvenate, replenish, restore your equilibrium, and bring yourself back in line with your life’s mission. Spend time alone, in nature, in meditation. You need some alone time to stay on track.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

Get ready for a new week! The Full Moon in Gemini is lighting up this week, bringing new perspectives and opportunities for growth. You can expect to open your mind to new ideas and creative thoughts. Keep your notepad close, because these new ideas are sure to be abundant!

This Full Moon is a great time to take a look at the Tarot cards and see what insights they can offer you. For Aries, the Ace of Coins implies that you may want to research a new, long-term project that can help you in your career, wealth, health, or home. It could take up a whole year to complete, but the results will be worth it!

Taurus can look out for Water signs like Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. The Ace of Cups implies that you're open to starting new friendships, romance, family ties, and connections. This is a great time to reach out and meet new people.

Gemini, the Wheel of Fortune encourages you to dream big. This is your chance to reinvent whatever you wish in life. With the sky as the limit, you can use your imagination to manifest what you want into reality.

Cancer, the Eight of Cups implies that you should trust your gut and let go of whatever isn't working in your life. A new daydream is waiting for you around the corner!

Leo, the King of Wands is an invitation to go on an adventure. Make use of this Full Moon to plan and research a journey you can take in the year ahead.

Finally, Virgo, the Nine of Swords implies that you may have been overthinking and catastrophizing a problem. Take a step back and see the bigger picture. Lastly, Libra, the Star encourages you to bring yourself back into balance. Make some time for yourself and connect to your inner peace.

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