This Full Moon could launch a new era of change for the rest of 2023 - explore the possibilities!

Now is the time to create the foundations for a brighter future.

September 25th 2023.

This Full Moon could launch a new era of change for the rest of 2023 - explore the possibilities!
This Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, inviting us to start anew and turn the page. The next Full Moon is on September 29th, in the sun sign of Libra and therefore its opposing sign of Aries.

Full Moons always bring a 'pause' in the month to reflect, ponder, contemplate, review, and release. It is a time to take more thought than action. This Full Moon’s Aries vibe brings that sign’s traits into play - ambition, passion, competitiveness, and progress. It is the first sign of the zodiac and transits associated with this sign often have a bit of a ‘New Year’ vibe to them.

This is a great time to step back, look at 2023 in its entirety, and realise you still have 12 weeks or so left to achieve what was on your resolution or intention list. Are you ready to turn the page and start anew? Make these next 12 weeks really count?

Let the tarot guide you towards what you should focus on and change for the remainder of 2023. Each zodiac sign has a tarot card associated with it, offering advice and guidance. For Aries, the tarot card is the Queen of Coins, meaning it is time to take control of your health and get as fit and well as you can. Do some research, be honest with yourself about what’s important, and set a 12-week goal.

For Taurus, the tarot card is the Eight of Wands, suggesting that it is time to nurture your professional network and be visible to people with influence. Think about your career trajectory and where you want to get to, and start creating connections with those that can help.

The tarot card for Gemini is the Nine of Wands, meaning it is time to tackle all those things you’ve been dreading and that you’d rather not carry forward into 2024. The Nine of Wands is a big reassurance that you can handle whatever it is you’re dreading, so pull it forward and take action.

For Cancer, the tarot card is the Six of Coins, and it is time to do as many good deeds for as many people as you can. Giving feels good, and it is the fastest way to feel better, attract luck and fortune, and be appreciated.

Leo’s tarot card is the Seven of Cups, meaning it is time to manifest your creative ideas and imaginative plans. Think about your most inspiring vision of yourself or your life and start making it a reality.

The tarot card for Virgo is the King of Swords, suggesting that it is time to create a ‘master plan’ for 2024 that ticks the boxes of all your most important future ideals or ambitions. Success takes planning, hard work, and commitment, so take the next 12 weeks to create and commit to a plan that will help you achieve your goals.

Take this Full Moon in Aries as an opportunity to start anew and set yourself up for success in the next year. Follow the advice from the tarot cards associated with each sign and make the most of the remaining 12 weeks of 2023!
This Full Moon is a great reminder of the importance of taking a break and reflecting on our lives. It falls in the sign of Aries, which brings ambition, passion, competitiveness, and progress to the forefront. It's a great time to look back on the past 12 months and consider what we'd like to achieve in the next 12 weeks.

As a Libra, this Full Moon is a great time to focus on networking. It's an invitation to create connections with people who can support or mentor us, or who can help further our career paths. We can also use this time to nurture our professional networks and be visible to those with influence.

This is also a great time to tackle our health and get as fit and well as we can. We should take control, do some research, and be honest with ourselves about what's important. We can create a 12-week goal and a programme to achieve it. That's plenty of time to make a real difference and surprise ourselves.

For those of us in the other zodiac signs, this Full Moon is a great reminder to focus on manifesting our creative ideas, tackling what we are dreading, doing good deeds, and creating a 'master plan' for the future.

No matter where we are in our lives, this Full Moon is a great reminder to take control and make the next 12 weeks really count. Let the tarot guide us towards what we should focus on and change for the remainder of 2023. We can head into 2024 with our health and wellbeing on good form.

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